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Movie TV Netflix Disney+ Trejleri i Vesti 2022

Jel znate da je odavno likovao scenario i da trailer potvrđuje u kom pravcu će priča ići i završiti se?

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Pa ukratko biće loše. Priznajem da trailer vizuelno izgleda lepo i gađa atmosferu prva 3 filma ali pošto dosta scena potvrđuje da je glavni zaplet kao u leekovanom scenariju najverovatnije će biti i odvratni kraj i nastavak priče posle filma kao u tom scenariju. Iskreno meni je i zaplet glup (Indijana serijal je jedno a Terminator serijal drugo), a biće verovatno puno scena u kome će neko mnogo moćniji spašavati Indy-a, samo je ovaj trailer napravljen sa odabranim scenama da raspameti stare fanove kao što je bio i trailer za Star Wars VII. Neću ništa da spoilujem dalje, ko hoće da se spoiluje neka pogleda ovaj klip:

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Guy Ritchie has revealed the start date for his latest project. Speaking at the Red Sea International Film Festival in Saudi Arabia, where he is accepting an honorary award, he revealed that he will begin shooting on the World War II spy thriller The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare in February, alongside Paramount Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films.

Ritchie is a busy man at the moment, taking a few days off from filming the television adaptation of his 2019 film The Gentlemen in London, and also revealing he plans to shoot the live-action adaptation of Hercules for Disney within the next 12 months, having previously successfully adapted Aladdin for the studio.

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare is said to be inspired by real events and will chart the UK prime minister Winston Churchill and James Bond author Ian Fleming as they start up their secret WWII combat organization. The clandestine brigade's unorthodox fighting methods were believed to introduce new fighting techniques to take on the Nazis, helping to change the course of the war, and the organization was seen as a precursor to the modern-day Black Ops. The group was a close-knit team, where the members knew their risk of dying in battle was high, and that their existence would forever be denied by the government, but they vitally won important victories against the Nazis using a combination of underhanded deception and sheer brute force.

Henry Cavill and Eisa González both signed up to lead the film in October. González is taking on the role of a highly capable military sniper who is said to have extraordinary spycraft abilities, while Cavill is described as the leader of the clandestine organization. González will next be seen in Extrapolations for Apple TV+ and the Netflix sci-fi picture The Three-Body Problem. She was last seen in Michael Bay's action thriller Ambulance earlier this year, as a paramedic who is taken hostage.

Cavill reunites with Ritchie following their work together on 2015's The Man from U.N.C.L.E. He recently announced his departure from the role of Geralt in Netflix's The Witcher, which coincided with his return to the role of Clark Kent/Superman in the DC Extended Universe films, having made a stunning appearance in the recent DC movie Black Adam, where he teased a showdown with the titular character, played by Dwayne Johnson.
Source: Collider
kul za The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, ne toliko kul za herulesa, jedan od omiljenih 90s dizni crtaca ce dobiti shit verziju... to je ono uradis shit film za studio da bi mogao da radis posle sta hoces.
Po kriticarima...

Po reziserima...
Jebao ih Vertigo, ladno ne znam koji je ovo film na prvom mestu kod kritičara

Kod kritičara u top 10 nisam gledao 2, kod reditelja 1.

Ako mora da se bira bolji mi je top 10 reditelja def.
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Ouukej, definitivno onda mora da se pogleda ovaj, na obe liste je u top 5, a nikad ranije mi niko nije preporučio da je must watch (čuo sam tu i tamo za film, ali ovako visoko rangiranje ovog filma mi je baš čudno, moraće da se čekira):

Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975)​

Inače da, lista režisera je mnogo bolja.
"There are lots of factors that led to this point. The movie is astounding, to be sure. Akerman, its director, who is a pioneer of feminist filmmaking, died in 2015, three years after the last poll. The film also was restored and re-released in the Criterion Collection in 2017, which means people like me who hadn’t seen it previously (we didn’t all go to film school) got a chance to do so in theaters. And the pool of voters from which the final list was drawn has been diversified since 2012, so it’s possible that helped with a film that is, undoubtedly, an ur-text of feminist film."

"And if 1,639 people who spend their lives getting paid very little to preserve and curate and explore cinema say this is the best movie ever made — at least in this poll — then isn’t it worth a shot?"

"And if 1,639 people who spend their lives getting paid very little to preserve and curate and explore cinema say this is the best movie ever made — at least in this poll — then isn’t it worth a shot?"

Mozda se nekako nakanim ovo da pogledam, veliko mozda. Mada.....na 2x brzini hmmmm
Okej, morao sam bar nesto da pogledam u vezi sa filmom i naisao na dva klipa, jedan na kome ljusti krompir preko 2 minuta i drugi gde sprema neko jelo 3 minuta.

Uh :)
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