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Movie TV Netflix Disney+ Trejleri i Vesti 2022

When Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse hit cinemas in 2018, it broke computer-generated animation as we know it – re-modelling the medium in front of our very eyes into something that felt entirely new. Playing around with frame-rate, multiple animation styles, comic book textures and more, it ripped up the rulebook and wrote its own; one in perfect sync with the origin story of incoming hero Miles Morales. But if that wasn’t ambitious enough, Miles’ next adventure is about to double down on everything that made the first film so special.

When Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse hit cinemas in 2018, it broke computer-generated animation as we know it – re-modelling the medium in front of our very eyes into something that felt entirely new. Playing around with frame-rate, multiple animation styles, comic book textures and more, it ripped up the rulebook and wrote its own; one in perfect sync with the origin story of incoming hero Miles Morales. But if that wasn’t ambitious enough, Miles’ next adventure is about to double down on everything that made the first film so special.

Olomili su sa prvim, nadam se da ce drugi biti bar na istom nivou. Sjajna ideja za ceo projekat.
I najzad se desilo.

Katastrofalna odluka WB-a da sve 2021. filmove objave odmah i na HBO Max-u je pokrenula pravu lavinu, koju je odmah predvodio Legendary Entertainment. Nolan i Villneuve artikli su bas bili nemilosrdni. Sa Warnerom su napravili toliko filmova, i onda su tokom 2021. morali da izdrze streaming premijere za Godzila vs Kong i Dunc.

“Some of our industry’s biggest filmmakers and most important movie stars went to bed the night before thinking they were working for the greatest movie studio and woke up to find out they were working for the worst streaming service,”

No more, napustise ih. Legendary filmovi ce od sada biti distribuirani od strane Sonija.

A Nolan je presao u Universal, na leto izlazi Oppenheimer.
ne znam da li će nova deca moći da ispoštuju, ali pružićemo šansu...
ne polazem nikakve nade u netflix klince, ako baba i deda budu tu samo malo serija ce biti shit
Da, i deo stare postave klinaca [sad su roditelji] su takodje u seriji povremeno.
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