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Switch Switch Info - hardver, os, softver, news

Even after the RAM and storage size, there's so much in the March shipment data I don't even know where to begin. So far nothing else at that level has popped up, so more along the lines of what I was originally saying before those were found. This won't be comprehensive, and I'll have to keep following up. I may also repeat some things others have posted (or will have posted by the time I finish typing the post), so apologies in advance. Some things in here were discovered and/or researched by Thraktor, LuigiBlood, and others.

I guess I'll start by saying, with reasonable confidence, that HGU1100 is the console, HGU1110 is the left Joy-con, HGU1120 is the right Joy-con, and HGU1130 is the dock. I'm not 100% confident, so take all of this with a grain of salt. But there are enough different listings that hint at this being the case, and it matches how the numbers HGU0700, HGU0710, HGU0720, and HGU0730 were used for the original Switch (except that the left and right Joy-cons may be flipped, assuming I don't have one of them wrong). So, grain of salt taken, bear that information in mind when I or anyone else posts a listing containing one of those HGU codes.

I think the previously seen new codes -- HGU1000, HGU1010, and HGU0820 -- may have been catch-alls, or possibly a way to organize things in a SKU containing the whole console set, versus just the console, or just the controllers, which is also something that can be seen with the old HGU07xx numbers. Almost all of the interesting new stuff in March is showing up under HGU11xx, but the others are still around, and as mentioned before there are some new ones there too. Also check out that post for the return for the return of the long-lost CKUI.

The other place new stuff is showing up is in listings that don't have HGU codes at all. But many of them do have NL-AM categories instead, which as far as I can tell, are 100% associated with Nintendo, just like HGU is. These may be trickier to sort through, because NL-AM listings were and are still used for current Switch models, so cross-referencing is needed to determine if a listing is really new. One that that helps is that a lot -- but not all -- NL-AM listings also have HGU codes on them, so we can discount any that have the old HGU0700, HGU0800, HGU0810, or HGU0910. If an NL-AM listing doesn't have HGU on it, and the quantity is only hundreds or thousands, instead of the high mass production-like quantities on old parts, that's an indication that it's probably for new hardware.

There are also listings that don't have any product codes on them at all, or at least not recognizable ones. Sometimes we see Nintendo's name pop up if we're lucky, but sometimes we just have to guess or assume. And that should be a good reminder not to consider anything 100% set in stone, adding together all of that with incomplete or questionably translated descriptions, etc. etc. etc.

Anyway, on to some listings.
  • NL-AM10#&ELECTRONIC IC/MT62F768M64D4EK-026/
This is the 6 GB RAM chip; two will be used for a total of 12 GB. Here's Micron's page for it. It is listed as LPDDR5 having a speed of 7500 MT/s, which is an LPDDR5X speed, so that's kind of strange. The page for the faster -023 version of this part also says LPDDR5, but I noticed that when filtering by type, -023 actually does show up under a LPDDR5X filter, while -026 shows up under an LPDDR5 filter. Anyway, the speed is what's important, and @Thraktor and others have already been breaking that down.
This is the 256 GB UFS 3.1 storage chip. Here's Kioxia's page for it. I think speed estimates and such have also already been posted.
And here's the other big one along with the RAM and storage: T239. Yes, this is in fact the Switch 2 SoC, with its proper Nvidia production part number. The Tegra X1 in the original Switch had a part number of ODNX02-A2, while TX1+/Mariko is ODNX10-A1. The "ODN" is from Odin, Nvidia's (and also Nintendo's) codename for the motherboard and sometimes sorta by extension the console itself (see my post about codenames). Side note, I've always thought it was "OD (Odin) NX 02," using the Switch's codename of NX, but it's actually "ODN (Odin) X02."

So what we have for T239 is the code GML and the revision number X30 (and tapeout code A1). I can't say what the significance of that revision number really is. But GML is actually very meaningful to me, because it's the board codename I've been waiting to see since the Nvidia hack in March 2022: Gimle. That name was in the leaked source files, appearing as the new equivalent to Odin, and it's taken this long for some sign of it to finally surface outside the hack. It seems that Nintendo is doing product codes differently this time, because CMB is being used where I expected to see GIMLE all this time. But here it is at last.

Now, I don't think we can determine much from this shipment listing, though I'm sure there will be discussion of the revision/tapeout process. But I'm very happy to see it.
Next, a barrage of other (unconfirmed) Switch 2 microchips. The first is a Realtek audio codec chip, which seems pretty standard. Next is an NFC/RFID reader, so Amiibo support will live on. RTD2175N is a Realtek DisplayPort-HDMI converter; though there isn't much information available online, it is likely a version of or successor to the RTD2173, which supports HDMI 2.1 (here's a device Thraktor found using it, which has such support). Next is a Realtek Ethernet controller, very likely found in the dock, which along with some other listings indicates the return of the OLED's Ethernet port. And finally is a microcontroller based on the Cortex-M0+ core; nothing really of note here, but it is basically the same as the microcontroller in the current Switch dock. I dropped some boring diode/switch/resistor-type things from this list as well.
  • NL-AM19#&SPEAKER/102000210110 (MUSE BOX-L)/
  • NL-AM19#&SPEAKER/102000210111 (MUSE BOX-R)/
Yeah, so, now we're really getting into it. This batch of stuff, a lot found by LuigiBlood, has a bunch of new product codes on it, and almost all of them look like they definitely belong to Nintendo.

CJR and CJL are most likely the right and left Joy-con, as the MAIN board is something current Joy-cons have, and then we also have a "ZL" for CJL and a "ZR" for CJR, which are self explanatory. They both also have a "SIDE" flexible ribbon circuit thing in addition to the one for ZL/ZR. The C in CJL/R might come from CMB. These are prototype codes, as indicated by the X in the revision number of CJR-MAIN-X7, and the TBD is likely standing in for the final product code. For Switch 1, prototype Joy-con boards were labeled JOYU-MAIN (U for Ukyo) and JOYS-MAIN1 (S for Sakyo), while the final are labeled HAC-JCL-MAIN and HAC-JCR-MAIN. So you can see how there's a blank or "TBD" space where the final product code, like HAC for Switch 1, would go.

ANT0 and ANTX seem likely to be antenna-related. These ones aren't necessarily strictly Nintendo board codes. Ditto the heatsink thing. MUSE BOX-L and MUSE BOX-R are identified as speakers, so no mystery there, but the board/part codes are funny. And then there are a couple odds and ends that say TBD and are unclear beyond that: TBD ATK LED and TBD MAIN FPC.

Next we have some new CMB boards in addition to CPU-X8: HPMJ (headphone and microphone jack), MIC (built-in microphone), and VOL (volume buttons). These are board for the main console, still using its prototype product code.

Next is MUEL, which is a new one. I think it's possible that this is the prototype product code for the new dock. It has a a MAIN and PLUG board, which is exactly what the current or OLED Switch dock has. I haven't seen PLUG used anywhere else, but still, we can't be totally certain of this one.

Now, we have to talk about BEE-CDH. CDH is the label for boards used in the dock, usually in a full form like HAC-CDH-MAIN-01 for the Switch or HEG-CDH-MAIN-01 for the OLED. But if this is the dock, why is it BEE? Didn't I just say MUEL was probably the dock? Well, historically, CDH has only been seen in use for retail parts like the ones with HAC and HEG I mentioned. The prototypes used CRD (Switch) and CRDA (OLED) instead, such as in CRDA-MAIN-X6 and CRDA-LED-X4. If that pattern holds, then CDH being used here would suggest BEE is actually a retail product code, so it could be the retail dock equivalent of MUEL. Hypothetically! Maybe.

And last but not least, we have CKUI. This is the first time we've seen it -- the first new product code we found -- since August (discovered October) 2023, and we still don't have a clue what it is. But by process of elimination, if I had to guess, I'd say it's a Pro Controller. The current Pro does have a MAIN board, and while I don't think it has a SUB, it's not far-fetched to imagine a controller having one. There does seem to be a lack of Pro Controller-like shipments for Hosiden in the HGU domain, though, and there isn't any actual evidence for this conclusion at the moment.
And finally... yep, it's the screen. With no information about it whatsoever. The first time the OLED's screen was shipped to HVBG, it had the Samsung part number on it and everything, but this time, nope, we get nothing.

So yeah. The only notable things that seem to be missing here are anything to do with the game card or card reader. We'll have to keep an eye out for those.
I haven't even touched on anything specific within HGU yet, and I'm not going to, because this post is already extremely long. But I will say that I agree that this listing (reproduced in full in the bullet point above -- see look, it says Nintendo and everything, I'm not crazy) is a good candidate for actually having the full dimensions of the system -- except for the depth. 14 mm is very close to the depth of the current Switch, and while it's not impossible that the successor will retain it, the possibility exists for it to be greater, because this one piece of the shell is going to connect to other pieces, and its 14 mm might not make up the entire depth of the console. But the 115 mm height is something we've discussed before, and after a whole bunch more March shipments, seems essentially confirmed as the console's height. And the 206 mm width is not too far off from estimates back when we discussed the height, which were something around 198 mm. The 200-ish mm width also seems to be supported by HGU1130 listings for the dock that have a 200 mm dimension.
Biće odlično ako se ispostavi da je 12GB/256GB, plašio sam se da ne idu sa 8GB RAM-a,
dok me u isto vreme ne bi čudilo da su išli na 128GB interne memorije.
Memory bandwidth je isto bolji nego se očekivalo. Mislim da se do sada špekuliralo o oko 100 GB/s u najboljem slučaju, a po ovome ispada 120 GB/s. Jedan od većih bottlenecka na trenutnom Switchu koji ima oko 25 GB/s, ako se dobro sjećam.
U tim podacima postoji i potencijalna indikacija o postojanju dodatnog ventilatora u docku, što bi moglo implicirati agresivnije clockove u docked modu.
Sad je od velikih pitanja ostalo još na kojem nodeu će biti T239, 8nm ili će ići na niže. Možda efikasniji proizvodni proces ostave za kasniju reviziju, a-la Mariko 2.
Memory bandwidth je isto bolji nego se očekivalo. Mislim da se do sada špekuliralo o oko 100 GB/s u najboljem slučaju, a po ovome ispada 120 GB/s. Jedan od većih bottlenecka na trenutnom Switchu koji ima oko 25 GB/s, ako se dobro sjećam.

Da, RAM bandwith pa CPU su bottleneckovi za trenutni Switch,
ako se ove informacije i Nvidia leak o T239 čipu pokažu tačnim, Switch 2 će biti lepo zaokružen hardver bez nekog očiglednog bottlnecka.
Da, RAM bandwith pa CPU su bottleneckovi za trenutni Switch,
ako se ove informacije i Nvidia leak o T239 čipu pokažu tačnim, Switch 2 će biti lepo zaokružen hardver bez nekog očiglednog bottlnecka.
Ovi podaci dolaze iz carinskih postupaka pošiljki između Nintenda, Nvidie i ostalih partnera u supply chainu. Jedino ako su nešto ovi detektivi s Famija krivo dešifrirali :D

Novosti sa supply chaina, upućuje na početak masovne proizvodnje (samim time i službeno predstavljanje) krajem ljeta.

PixArt Imaging is a sole supplier of the IR camera in JoyCon. During PixArt’s Q1* earnings presentation, their CFO stated that the company expects a substantial growth of shipment to their “game console” customer (i.e., Nintendo) in Q2. He framed it as a seasonal increase, but I believe that a mere red herring. Their financial data from past few years do not suggest such seasonality; in fact, same time last year PixArt was projecting a shipment decrease in Q2.

Since Nintendo is going to sell/make 14% less Switch units this FY, the elevated shipment from PixArt is likely intended for the Switch 2 production. This indicates that the SW2 will continue featuring optical image sensing of some sort. Those who were on this thread last year may also recall the Chinese rumor (from mod uncle’s source) regarding an IR window on the new Joy-Con shell.

MegaChips and Macronix International are the main suppliers of Switch Game Cards, and both recently made some curious announcements. In MegaChips’ Q4** earnings representation, they disclosed a “product launch for a business of next generation game console”:


The reference to “launch of mass production” is eyebrow-raising, because in their Q3 report it was “launch of supply products to customers”. This seems to suggest that the mass production of “next generation console” and/or its new Game Card*** may commence in the near future. It tracks with factory uncle #2’s claim of planned production start in July.

Remarking on Macronix’s April earnings, the company’s Chairman revealed that they are packaging 96-layer 3D NAND into a “3D ROM” for Nintendo. Its sampling is expected to be completed in H2*, and may begin contributing to company revenues in H2 next year. The last point about “contributing to revenues” makes the launch window of 3D ROM rather vague (probably intentionally so). I don’t think it signals that the high-capacity Game Card won’t be launched till H2 2025, only that it might not ship enough to impact Macronix’s bottomline until then.

* PixArt and Macronix’s FY ends on December 31.
** MegaChips’ FY ends on March 31.
*** A new Game Card for Switch 2 was “leaked” by Mobapad.
Sutra izlazi igra

Kakva greota sto je ovo u 30fps :/ Lepo izgleda, al kada stavi super smooth GC verziju pored, ova nova verzija super choppy izgleda.

Def je vreme za taj Switch 2 :D
Kakva greota sto je ovo u 30fps :/ Lepo izgleda, al kada stavi super smooth GC verziju pored, ova nova verzija super choppy izgleda.

Def je vreme za taj Switch 2 :D

Ne verujem da je problem 30fps. Igra je sjajna , pre neko leto sam obrnuo orginal , sad ću i remake :) voleo bi samo gamecube kontroler na Switchu.
Ne verujem da je problem 30fps. Igra je sjajna , pre neko leto sam obrnuo orginal , sad ću i remake :) voleo bi samo gamecube kontroler na Switchu.
Imaš onaj službeni za Smash Ultimate.
Jbg, ali side note: super mi je kad naprave video kao odgovor na pitanje koje ima DA/NE odgovor :D
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