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Xseries Xbox Series News, Hardware Info...

Drugari, gde bih u Zagrebu mogao da kupim xbox series s.
Brzom google pretragom nisam našao radnju u koju mogu da odem i odmah kupim...
Xbox's 25th anniversary would fall on November 15, 2026, which puts it firmly in range of a new generation of Xbox hardware potentially. Sony just revealed its mid-gen console the PS5 Pro, which Xbox has passed on competing with this time around. Instead, it seems Xbox is full-steam ahead with its next set of console hardware, which we tentatively believe based on our sources to include at least both a traditional-style successor to the Xbox Series X, and Microsoft's first real foray into Xbox handheld gaming with its own take on the Steam Deck.

Rich heritage i pominju Halo a jos nisu raspustili one govnare iz 343 industries :D Bitno je da su pozatvarali gomile drugih studija.
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