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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

nedeljna prodaja konzola u spaniji ove godine, ps5 stock problemi lagano nestaju
Odlicne cifre. A onda se setim da je Animal Crossing na 30+ a izasao je skoro :).
Sony FY2020 Results

Gaming Revenue : ¥634bn / $6.10B (+% YoY from ¥433.6bn / $3.98B - Q4 FY2019)
Gaming Operating Profit : ¥30.8bn / $0.297B (+% YoY from ¥46.2bn / $0.423B - Q4 FY2019)

Gaming Division - FY2021 Forecast (April 2021 - March 2022)
Gaming Revenue : ¥2300bn / $21.70B (-12.5% from ¥2630bn / $24.91B - FY2020)
Gaming Operating Profit : ¥250bn / $2.36B (-26.5% from ¥340bn / $3.22B - FY2020)

  • Hardware :
    • PS5 : 3.3m in Q4 FY20 / LTD: 7.8m
      • Biggest console launch in video game history, surpassing PS4's 7.6m units
    • PS4 : 0.9m in Q4 FY20 / 5.7m in FY20 / LTD: 115.9m

  • Software :
    • PS4/PS5 (FY20) : 337m games sold
      • including 58.4m Sony-published games (vs 43.4m - FY19)
        • 17.3% of total games sold this Q3 (vs 19.6% - FY19)
    • PS4/PS5 (Q4 FY20) : 61.4m games sold
      • including 7.9m Sony-published games (vs 9.1m - Q4 FY19)
        • 12.9% of total games sold this Q3 (vs 19.6% - Q4 FY19)
    • Software digital ratio : 68% in Q4



  • -PlayStation reached an all-time high of 25.04B Revenue during FY2020 and set a new record for the industry
    • -Previous record was Sony FY18 with $20.84B Revenue
    • -The second time PlayStation broke the $20B barrier
    • -Only PlayStation ever generated more than $18.5B Revenue during a fiscal year, let alone $20B
  • -PlayStation reached an all-time high of $6.24B Revenue during Q4, a new record for the industry
    • -Previous biggest Q4 Revenue was Sony Q4 FY18 with ¥498.1bn (= $4.52B)
    • -A jump by +27.3% from previous biggest Q4 Revenue
    • -First time, any platform holder ever reached $5 Billion and $6 Billion Revenue during Jan-March
    • -Biggest Revenue ever for PlayStation (and for any platform holder) during a non-Holiday quarter (non-Q3)
  • -PlayStation generated $3.23B Profits in FY20, a new record for them (despite the launch of a new hardware)
    • -First time, they broke the $3B barrier
    • -Previous most profitable year was FY18 with $2.81B Profits
  • -PlayStation 5 sold-in 3.3m units (LTD: 7.8m) and is now the most sold console during its first fiscal year
    • -Beating PS4's 7.6m units in its launch fiscal year, previous record holder
  • -PlayStation 4 is now the console which has sold the most games in video game history, with at least 1.577B games sold
    • -Surpassing PS2's 1.537B games sold, previous record holder
  • -PlayStation Platforms sold more than 337m games in FY20, the highest yearly software sales in PlayStation ecosystem
    • -Previous record was FY18 with 287.9m games sold
  • -PlayStation Network reached an all-time high of $17.32B Revenue in FY20 (+36.4% YoY)
    • -Previous record was $12.88B Revenue in FY18
  • -PlayStation Network reached an all-time high of $4.04B Revenue in Q4 FY20 (Jan-Mar 2021) ; +23.7% YoY
    • -Previous Q4 record was $3.27B Revenue in Q4 FY18 (Jan-Mar 2019)
  • -PlayStation Software & Services reached an all-time high of $18.62B Revenue in FY20 (+34.9% YoY)
    • -Previous record was $14.61B Revenue in FY18
  • -PlayStation Software & Services reached an all-time high of $4.19B Revenue in Q4 FY20 (Jan-Mar) ; +21.0% YoY
    • -Previous Q4 record was $3.57B Revenue in Q4 FY18 (Jan-Mar 2019)

PS4 je bas usporio, PS2 ga je prestigao i sad tu nema vise nazad. Ali sa druge strane, PS4 softver se i dalje veoma dobro prodaje.

I dalje nema nista od snizenja cena hardvera i verovatno ce ostati tako dok god pandemija dize potraznju za kucnom zabavom. U ovom stadijumu PS2 prodaje, ta konzola je kostala ~120-130 dolara, a kasnije je bila i <$100.

edit - preko 3 milijarde profita u ovoj zadnjoj [hardware launch] godini.... to znaci da je u tom periody Sony vise zaradio nego tokom cele PS1 ili cele PS2 generacije. Digitalna prodaja igara je bas promenila gaming biznis.
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Da, mislio sam da će PS4 bez problema preći 120m, možda stići i do 130m, sada ni 120m ne deluje sigurno,
mada opet dovoljno za drugu najprodavaniju kućnu konzolu ikada.
Da, mislio sam da će PS4 bez problema preći 120m, možda stići i do 130m, sada ni 120m ne deluje sigurno,
mada opet dovoljno za drugu najprodavaniju kućnu konzolu ikada.
Pa nece sa 300 MSRP. Da je dobio 100$/€ snizenje prodao bi najmanje jos 10 miliona.
PS2 isao 299 > 199 > 149 > 129 > 99
PS3 isto 499 > 399 > Slim pretstavljen na 299 > Super Slim 12GB zavrsio na 199 - Na Clearence bio 149 cini mi se.
PS4? 399 Lanuch price > 299 u 2016god. - 5(PET) godina kasnije! - Ista Cena!
U toku je Epic vs Apple sudjenje oko Fortnite-a na Appstore-u, evo jednog zanimljivog dokumenta koji prikazuje koliko je igraca ugrabilo FREE igre na Epic Store-u.


edit -

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