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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

Bilo ko vec sada moze da dizajnira i naruci kakav god procesor hoce. Nvidija kupuje celu ARM firmu koja postavlja standarde koji ostali moraju da prate.
ko im jebe mamu, svi su govna.
Pogledaj Intel i koliko su "napredovali" poslednjih n godina...
ARM koriste "svi" i svi daju svoj doprinos. Mozda je zato toliki napredak u odnosu na x86-64...

Ne znam da li bi bilo dobro da ih kupe...

Hm, da li to možda znači da će Nvidia možda početi da pravi procesore pouceni uspehom Apple-ovog M1 chipa.

Sent from my VOG-L29 using Tapatalk

Za pocetak je dovoljno da ovi koji se vec bave ARM-om prave procesor kao M1.
Malo je sramota da Windows ARM bolje radi na M1 kao virtuelna masina, nego nativno na Surface Pro X2.

Jedva cekam da vidim prvi preview za .NET 6.0 i nativnu podrsku za M1. Bice jako sramota kad M1 bude brze kompajlirao od visestruko skupljeg Intel-a za nesto sto razvija Microsoft.
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"Codemasters has completed its sale to Electronic Arts, following delivery of a Court Order to the Registrar of Companies of England and Wales on Thursday.
The entire issued share capital of Codemasters is now owned by Codex Games Limited, an indirect subsidiary of EA.
Trading in Codemasters shares was suspended on AIM, a sub-market of the London Stock Exchange, this morning, and existing shareholder will receive settlement (604 pence per Scheme Share held) within 14 days.
Now that the sale has been completed, each of Codemasters’ Non-Executive Directors has stepped down from the Codemasters Board with immediate effect.
EA’s acquisition of Codemasters values the company at approximately $1.2 billion."

To bi bilo to, srećno im bilo.
Respawn nisu uništili jbg.

Sent from my VOG-L29 using Tapatalk

Cak i uzemljama koje dobijaju mnogo vise konzola nego mi, I dalje se prodaje sve sto stigne na police.
NPD February 2021

Monthly sales of video game hardware increased 121% when compared to February 2020, to $406M. This is the highest total for a February month since the $468M reached in February 2011. YTD HW spending totaled $725M, an increase of 130% compared to a year ago.

Nintendo Switch was the best-selling hardware platform in both units and dollars in February. Unit and dollar sales of Nintendo Switch hardware in February were the highest for any hardware platform in a February month since the Nintendo Wii in Feburary 2009.

Total lifetime dollar sales of Switch hardware now exceed the Nintendo DS, making Switch Nintendo's 2nd best-selling platform in U.S. tracked history (Nintendo Wii ranks first). Switch is currently the 7th best-selling hardware platform in lifetime U.S. dollar sales.

PlayStation 5 ranked as the 2nd best-selling hardware platform in February in both unit and dollar sales. PlayStation 5 is currently the fastest selling hardware platform in U.S. history (total dollar sales after 4 months in market).

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury debuts as the best-selling game of February. The title also ranks as the 2nd best-selling game of 2021 year-to-date, despite the lack of digital sales tracking for Nintendo published titles.

Little Nighmares II launched as the 6th best-selling game of February. Little Nightmares II ranked as the 5th best-selling game on Xbox platforms, while placing 10th on PlayStation.

U NA, PS5 je po broju prodatih konzola u prva 4 meseca manje od 1% iza PS4 [koji je all time best seller za taj period]. I dalje se odmah prodaje sve sto stigne u radnje. To je oko 2,5M za US+Canada za 4 meseca.

Dobro ide prodaja u EU, Middle East, AUS+NZ

Sledeceg meseca ce krenuti year-to-year poredjenja sa proslogodisnjim prodajama pogodjenih dolaskom COVID-a. U martu je krenula ekonomija/transport da se usporavaju i ljudi da se salju u kucnu izolaciju.
Bye bye par hiljada Eura potrošenih na digitalne naslove za ove sisteme.
Bacit' PS trojke, Vite, PSTV-ove u kantu za đubre jedino #digitalnabudućnost
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Bye bye teško stečene igre od Xperia kodova 😆 Anyway, ovo ne znači da će oduzeti igre onima koji su ih kupili.
Ko zna šta piše u silnim tekstovima i uslovima koje prihvataš kad praviš account i kupuješ igre. Ako i ne oduzmu te igre na početku, oduzeće nakon određenog perioda. Čak i iz ugla piraterije više neće biti atraktivni.
Bye bye par hiljada Eura potrošenih na digitalne naslove za ove sisteme.
Bacit' PS trojke, Vite, PSTV-ove u kantu za đubre jedino #digitalnabudućnost

#1 nije potvrdjeno da se gasi
#2 verovatno ce samo ugasiti kupovinu igara
#1 nije potvrdjeno da se gasi
#2 verovatno ce samo ugasiti kupovinu igara
I meni ima smila da se postepeno gase servisi.
Read only arhiva je mnogo laksa za odrzavanje od full working store-a.
Mogu cak i bukvalno napraviti novi store koji je download only.

Mada opet to je isti Sony koji je vezao username za id.
neka i sve radi nakon “gasenja”, sam cin je bolan, oznacava kraj ere 😃
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