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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

Prvo vece za KCD2, bice verovatno jos bolje za vikend.

Prvi vikend za FF7 Rebirth je stao na 40.5K

ConsoleNumber Of First-Party Million-Sellers
Nintendo Switch72
Nintendo DS55
Nintendo 3DS50
Nintendo Game Boy46
Nintendo Entertainment System42
Nintendo Wii40
Nintendo 6437
PlayStation 230
Nintendo GameCube26
Nintendo Game Boy Advance25
Xbox 36023
Super NES21
PlayStation 321
Nintendo Wii U20
PlayStation 419
PlayStation Portable8
Xbox One7
PlayStation 55
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Remedy je najzad otplatio sve troskove Epic-u za razvoj Alan Wake 2, i sada su najzad krenuli da sakupljaju profit. Uradise to bez Steam-a i fizickih kopija na konzolama.

Sto se novih igara tice:

FBC: Firebreak continues in full production. In December, the development team successfully conducted a closed technical test with external players. They tested the game's matchmaking and back-end services, collecting data and experience helping in shaping the final product. FBC: Firebreak will be self-published by Remedy in 2025.

Control 2 has been finalizing the production readiness stage and entered full production after the end of the fourth quarter in February 2025. The project has verified the velocity of asset creation, established production pipelines, and is ready for scaling up for production.

Max Payne 1&2 Remake is making steady progress in full production. The development progress is heading towards key development objectives together with the game's publisher Rockstar Games.
Epic je finansirao kompletan projekat, oni imaju kontrolu. AW je bila failed franshiza, ne bi sam Remedy nikada uspeo da izfinansira nastavak, pogotovo ne ovako ambiciozno napravljen.

Tim Sweeny je pre neki dan rekao da ce Alan Wake 2 zauvek ostati na EGS-u.
PlayStation finansijski rezultati za praznicni Oct-Dec 2024 kvartal:

Hardware: 9.5M [8.2M last year, +16%]
Software: 96M [89.7M last year, +7%]
Digital software ratio: 74%
Active Users: 129M [rekord]
Total PS5 Hardware: 75M
[i dalje su tik iza PS4 po brzini prodaje]
[uspeli su u kalendarskoj godini da shippuju 20M konzola, isto kao i u 2023]

- rekordni profit za praznicni quarter, hardverska prodaja tik ispod 2016 rekorda
- 42% PS5 kupaca nisu imali raniji PS account
- radice na poboljsanju gaming streaming servisa zbog sve vece upotrebe
- rekordna zarada od PS+






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