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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)


Square Enix je imao rekordnu godinu sto se tice protoka novca, FF7R i Avengersi su pomogli dosta. Bilo bi bolje da je normalna godina, imali su gubitke u diviziji za svoje amusement parkove koji su bili zatvoreni zbog pandemije.

Takodje su analiticarima/deonicarima potvrdili da ce do kraje ove finansijske godine [do 31. marta 2022] biti fokusirani na premijere novih IP-ova. Mozda je ovo znak da ce Forspoken izaci do tada.
Kontam da Nintendo ima profit od 4505132% kad se pogleda hw i cena Switch konzole :ROFLMAO:
Kontam da Nintendo ima profit od 4505132% kad se pogleda hw i cena Switch konzole :ROFLMAO:
Pošto vidim da si intenzivno zainteresovan, znam lika koji prodaje svoj lični Prekidač (drugi vlasnik, provereno). Cena simbolična, normalno.
Analiticari govore da se odnos izmedju PlayStation i Xbox konzola nije promenio u prvih 5 meseci. Opet 2:1 u korist PS5, a Switch se prodaje ko lud.


Naravno PS5 i XsX/S imaju veliki problem da dostupnim brojem konzola u prodaji, tako da je dostupnost normalna svakako bi bile jače brojke.
Za Switch se očekivalo da će malo usporiti u odnosu na prošlu godinu kad je krenula pandemija i izašao Animall Crossing, ali prodajni rezultati za Mart i trenutni za April, pokazuju da Switch za sada ne usporava.

Kontam da Nintendo ima profit od 4505132% kad se pogleda hw i cena Switch konzole :ROFLMAO:

Imaš na prethodnoj strani, oborili su rekord industrije (skinuli su najbolju zajedničku Wii/DS godinu) za najbolji profit u godini.
Iz Sonjeve prezentacije investitorima:


Zanimljivo da je PS5 bio skuplji za proizvodnju odmah posle nove godine. Verovatno uticaj pandemije na cene komponenti. PS5 Disc verzija ce IMO dobiti jos veci prioritet sad kad postane profitabilna, a za discless ne ocekujem jacu proizvodnju dokle god gubi pare. Odlican je deal, full powered PS5 za $400, ali popust je drasticno veci od cene disc drajva.

[ edit - Jim Ryan: "Right now the standard edition represents the very great majority of PS5 sales. We do not see that proportion changing greatly in FY21, but we anticipate as this time passes there will be some slight increase in the ratio in the digital edition, but not significant." ]


[za market share ne misle po broju prodatih konzola, vec po protoku novca]
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NPD April 2021

April video game hardware dollar sales fell 30% when compared to April 2020, to $296 million. April 2021 hardware dollar sales were 84% higher than the total achieved in April 2019 ($160 million). Year-to-date hardware dollar sales gained 42% when compared to the similar period in 2020, at $1.7 billion.
Nintendo Switch
was the best-selling hardware platform in both units and dollars during the month of April, as well as 2021 year to date.

Switch je inače 29 meseci za redom najprodavanija konzola u US, znači skoro 2.5 godine.


MLB The Show 21 debuted as both the best-selling game of April 2021 as well as the 3rd best-selling game of 2021 year to date. Launch month dollar sales of MLB The Show 21 set a new franchise high.
MLB The Show 21 was the best-selling game of the month on PlayStation platforms, and ranked 2nd on Xbox (note that digital sales on Xbox platforms are not included in the rankings).
New Pokémon Snap was the 3rd best-selling game of April 2021 and was the month's best-selling game on Nintendo platforms. Launch month physical sales of New Pokémon Snap more than doubled those of Pokémon Snap, which debuted in the July 1999 tracking month.
Mortal Kombat 11 placed among the top 10 best-sellers of the month for the first time since ranking 9th in July 2020. Mortal Kombat 11 is currently the 13th best-selling game of 2021 year to date.

Lista igara za poslednju nedelju po zaradi na Steam platformi. Flopnuo Biomutant :(
  1. BIOMUTANT(Pre-order version) - Built by a team of only 20 developers, pre-order version of the bizarre furry action game reaches the apex in this week's global 10 sellers!

  2. BIOMUTANT - The released version of the game reached a Launch CCU Peak of 55K!

  3. Sea Of Thieves - RARE's pirate adventure returns to the weekly rankings and lands at no. 3 thanks to a 50% off discount!

  4. Mass Effect Legendary Edition - ME: LE drops to 4th from 2nd from last week's rankings but still remains a decent seller!

  5. Days Gone - While down to 5th from 1st, the former PS exclusive seems to be doing rather decently in its 2nd week still reaching CCU peaks at an average of 18K concurrent players.

  6. Valve Index VR Kit - The Index climbs up one place to 6th from 7th place from last week.

  7. Grand Theft Auto V Premium Edition - GTA V: premium Edition is on a 50% off discount and lands at #7 for this week's rankings!

  8. ARK: Survival Evolved - Studio Wildcard's Adventure RPG returns to the Global top 10 sellers thanks to a deep 80% off discount and ends up at 8th place!

  9. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition - Drops one place to 9th from 8th place from last week. The game is on an 80% off discount.

  10. Rust - The hugely popular Survival game returns to the weekly rankings thanks to a 33% off discount and lands on the last place of this week's Global rankings!
Ma dobar je Biomutant, pokoji patch i utegnuce se sve sto sad skripi.
Jel ima neko komentar na prodaju Nordeusa TakeTwo Interactive-u, koliko znam najveci deal na domacoj sceni, znacajan dogadjaj pa neka je i iz mobile gaminga.
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Jel ima neko komentar na prodaju Nordeusa TakeTwo Interactive-u, koliko znam najveci deal na domacoj sceni, znacajan dogadjaj pa neka je i iz mobile gaminga.
Svaka im čast, da su ranije prodali možda su mogli još više da uzmu.
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