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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

Diablo® IV, the highly anticipated new installment of the iconic Diablo series, is now live. Already, it is Blizzard Entertainment's fastest-selling game of all time, with Blizzard's highest pre-launch unit sales ever on both console and PC*. In the four days since early access started on June 1, Diablo IV has been played for 93 million hours, or over 10,000 years --- the equivalent playing 24 hours a day since the beginning of human civilization.

Fastest selling based on more units sold on all platforms before launch (through June 5, 2023). Sell-through figures based on reporting received from digital partners and Blizzard internal reports.
D3 se prodao u 3.5 miliona u svom prvom danu, a sada Blizz kaze da je D4 najbrze prodavana igra u istoriji firme.
Znam da im ove glupe usporedbe a la "the equivalent playing 24 hours a day since the beginning of human civilization" zvuče više kul, ali mogli su jednostavno napisati i broj prodanih igara.
Kako bi bilo dobro uporediti ovaj spajk traznje sa skorim brojem ponudjenih PS4ki po e-bayu i slicnim sajtovima. Bas me zanima kolko je skokova na novu generaciju u ukupnom broju prodaja.
Obe igre igra sub 100 ljudi btw. Al jedna je i na gamepass-u za "dzabaka" kontam da tamo ima jos koja stotina da pika :D
Kad je Monster Hunter World krenuo da stampa beskrajan novac, Capcom je prestao da se zali. A i ono odlicno im ide na berzi.

Squre Enix se non stop zalio a sada vise nemaju ni Eidos da na njih prebace sve probleme. :D

''After just three weeks on sale, Zelda is already the third best-selling game of the year across Europe, behind EA's FIFA 23 and Warner Bros' Hogwarts Legacy. It's worth noting that Nintendo does not share digital download data with the charts, whereas EA and Warner Bros, do. If we look purely at physical retail sales, Zelda is already the No.1 game of the year across European markets.''

''The Switch pad jumped 530% in sales following the release of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and there was also a special edition Zelda Pro Controller, which sold out globally last month.

Speaking of Zelda, the Tears of the Kingdom Amiibo, which was released alongside the game, was the fifth best-selling accessory of the month. The Nintendo Switch OLED Carry Case also debuts at No.10, following the release of a Zelda version.''

Nintendu je izlazak Zelde doneo toliko profita na svakom frontu, prodaja sama igre + konzola + kontroler + amiibo + opet je BOTW u top 10 (a idalje se igra prodaje po punoj ceni) i sve to u mesec dana samo...

Zanimljivi podatci ali voleo bih da tačno vidim metodologiju istraživanja. Suviše istraživanja koja se vrše se dizajniraju da maksimizuju šanse za rezultate koje želiš. Ali sa demografijom koja je približno fifti-fifti bilo bi zanimljivo pogledati prodaju steam igara po tagovima. Ne podeljeno prema polovima profila, čisto generalno.

Pre dve godine [maj 2021 investor report], PlayStation je bio na 41%

Here is the GfK UK Boxed Top Ten for the week ending June 10, 2023:

Last WeekThis WeekTitle
New Entry1Diablo 4
12The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
43Hogwarts Legacy
54Mario Kart 8: Deluxe
45Street Fighter 6
36FIFA 23
117God of War: Ragnarok
68Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
249Gran Turismo 7
1410Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
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