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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

Mogu da budu zadovoljni dužinom prolongiranja svakako.
Kraj 2024 istice

Kacio dokument na diskordu.

To je samo za esports deal i ok mali exkluzivni sadrzaj

“Partner platform” fazon.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
To im je Spencer na početku nudio, ali nisu željeli potpisati za razliku od Nintenda. Sad mogu dobiti srednji prst za dvije godine s legalne strane.
Digital share za nove igre u UK je cak 82%.

PS5 is back as the top-selling console, with sales up 43% over May. This is due to a surge in sales of the standard PS5 bundled with God of War Ragnarok, which was reduced from £520 to £460 by retailers.

Nintendo Switch is down to No.2, with sales dropping 20%. The Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Special Edition console went from being the No.1 Switch console in April and May, to No.3 in June. It was a strong month for Xbox Series S and X (especially Series X). The platform is still in third place overall, but sales are up 31% month-on-month.

Year-to-date, 722,000 games consoles have been sold, a rise of 11% on the year before. This is due to the PS5, which has seen sales grow 66% year-on-year. Nintendo Switch sales are down 10% year-to-date, while Xbox sales are down 23%.
Jun u Spaniji

Week 22: May 29-June 4, 2023
PS5: 7500
Switch: 5700
Xbox series : ~600
PSVR2: 200

Week 23: June 5-11, 2023
PS5: 5800
Switch: 5000
Xbox series: 800
PSVR2: 200

Week 24: June 12-18, 2023
PS5: 5200
Switch: 4000
Xbox series: 1800

Week 25: June 19-25, 2023
PS5: 6300
Switch: 4000
Xbox series 1600
PSVR2: 200

Week 26: June 26-July 2, 2023
PS5: 12800
Switch: 6000
XBS: 1300
PSVR2: 150

Ceo mesec:

June 2023


PS5: 37600
Switch: 24700
XBS: 6100
Baš loše brojke za PSVR2; Poređenja radi, Vita se u EU prodavala u cca 20-25 hiljada nedeljno.
Spanija nije [ceo] EU, ali da, Vita se prodavala bolje. Vita se prodala bolje od PSVR1.

edit - fixed
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Ako je prodaja u svakoj zemlji EU slična ne piše se dobro u pogledu dugotrajne podrške.
Tesko je prodavati hardver bez visokobudzetnih novih igara. Izlaze super igre za PSVR2, ali nisu blockbusteri.
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