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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

Prvi PSVR2 sales info sa Sony prezentacije investitorima. PlayStation VR2 se prodao u 600k kopija, 8% bolje od PSVR1 u prvih 6 nedelja prodaje [koji je imao u tih nedeljama i ceo novembar].


Svo ovo vreme PSVR2 je bila ekskluziva na PlayStation Direct portalu [u zemljama gde je taj portal dostupan]. Pre neki dan je headset najzad pusten i u radnjama. Sad im treba samo dosta igara, i da poneka veca AAA igra ugrabi paznju javnosti, da ne bude samo indie ponuda.
Neko je izvisio Embracer epski, obecao im $2+ milijarde ulaganja za razvoj igara tokom sledecih 6 godina, i sad su im iznenada otkazali taj deal. Embracer je smanjio svoje predvidjanje prometa para za 30%.

Metro Exodus - 8.5M
Dead Island 2 - 2M

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered PC sales top 1.5 million

The Last of Us Part I PC tops 368,000

Moze to i bolje :)
Dok ne prođe ''beta testiranje'' za igru i ne srede je, ni ne zazlužuje bolju prodaju. Sami su krivi ovog puta, nažalost.
Vidim da ima bolje ocene u poslednje vreme, ali idalje nije to to i ne treba ih nagrađivati za nešto što je ustvari minimum koji su u startu morali da urade.Screenshot (16).png

GfK UK Boxed Top Ten for the week ending May 27, 2023:
Last WeekThis WeekTitle
11The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
22FIFA 23
33Hogwarts Legacy
54Mario Kart 8: Deluxe
45Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
New Entry6Lord of the Rings: Gollum
87The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
128Grand Theft Auto 5
99Animal Crossing: New Horizons
1010Dead Island 2


...Street Fight 6, which debuts at No.2 in the UK charts. It's not a strong physical showing for the Capcom game, certainly when compared to the popularity of its Resident Evil games at boxed retail. However, the vast majority of its sales will come via digital channels, and so its boxed performance won't tell us a great deal on how the game has truly done.

79% of its boxed sales were on PS5, 13% on Xbox and 8% on PS4. When digital comes in, expect Xbox's share to be a little better.
Kakvo je cudo od igre GTA 5, otkad je izasla, a eto i dan danas se prodaje i to je u top 10, pretpostavljam da je najuspesnija igra svih vremena.
The developers of the indie hit roguelite Dead Cells, Evil Empire and Motion Twin, announced today that the game has sold more than 10 million copies in the six years since its initial Early Access launch on Steam in 2017.

The consecutive launch of the 1.0 version on PC & consoles in 2018, a whopping 34 free updates and later launches on mobile have all helped to drive long-tail success in all major global territories, pushing the game into rarely charted sales territory for an independent title.
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