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Ima li jos neki Sony HIT koji ce da se portuje na PC? Prica li se sta...
Uncharted 4 je siguran posto je bio prikazan u finansijskim dokumentima za neki prosli kvartal ili sta vec, imas negde na forumu link do tih dokumenata.

Edit. Nasao sam skrin iz pdfa.

Obzirom kad je Days Gone izasao, Uncharted 4 bi trebao na jesen da progleda... Ubio me u pojam vise open world fazon, pa bih semi -open.. ili linearnu igru... A Uncharted 4 je pun pogodak!
Super je Uncharted 4 ja sam ga presao par puta na PS4 mislim da sam uzeo platinum trofej koliko se secam. Slazem se sa tobom sto se tice open world igara mene vec duze vreme bas bas smara open world-generic loot sistem igara.
Wow, stara PC igra Enclave dobija reizdanje ove godine!

Ziggurat Interactive will release an enhanced version of third-person action RPG Enclave, which first launched in 2002, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch this fall, the company announced.

The re-release will include upgraded visuals and sound effects, an enhanced soundtrack with over 20 new tracks, remastered music from the original game's soundtrack, and more.

Enclave first launched for Xbox in July 2002, followed by PC in March 2003, Wii in May 2012, Mac in November 2013, and Linux in November 2016.
Enclave is a third-person action RPG with intense medieval combat, an epic soundtrack, and two separate story-driven campaigns which have the player fighting for the forces of Light or Darkness. Each faction offers six distinct character options such as Knights, Wizards, and Druids on the side of Light, or servants of the Darkness like Berserkers, Assassins, and Goblins. Wield swords, magic, and bows to wage war on your enemies and decide Celenheim's future.
Krafton, kompanija pod cijim vlasnistvom je PUBG Corp cilja da se zestoko rasiri u druge zanrove. Sledece godine dobijamo od ex-DeadSpace ekipe horor SF igru The Callisto Protocol za PC i nextgen konzole, a jos jedan veliki projekat na kojem rade je adaptacija korejskog fantasy romana "The Bird That Drinks Tears". Ciljaju na full AAA openworld nextgen igru sa ogromnim lore-om, raznolikim lokacijama, rasama, itd. U prevodu, korejski Witcher [sa humanoidnim kokoskama :D].

"Project Windless" im je i dalje u preprodukciji, tako da nece skoro.

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