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PS5 Xseries PC Diablo IV

Jos 2 meseca...

Calling all wanderers! In preparation for the launch of Diablo IV on June 6, we must enlist your demon-cleansing services for one final task: Server Slam.

From May 12, 12 p.m.–May 14, 12 p.m. PDT, everyone can come to Sanctuary’s defense on Windows PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation 4—along with couch co-op for consoles and cross-play and cross-progression for all platforms—against the armies of the Burning Hells to help us test the durability of our servers.

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Dosta tvikovanja. Previše je release blizu da bih sad za vikend posvetio dosta vremena igri, ali barem da probam omiljeni bild nakon izmena.

Dosta tvikovanja. Previše je release blizu da bih sad za vikend posvetio dosta vremena igri, ali barem da probam omiljeni bild nakon izmena.
Moramo ubiti Ashavu zbog mounta!
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