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Mnogi kazu da su ove sljokice (glitter) referenca za Fable.
Mozda je i slucajnost.

Ne samo šljokice, nego i muzika, isčupana iz Fable 2 mislim.

Što se tiče šljokica, ima ih u par misija.

Mnogi kazu da su ove sljokice (glitter) referenca za Fable.
Mozda je i slucajnost.

Valjalo bi da ubodu nesto:

Evil Within 3 najava uz gameplay trejler bi bio čist win.
Pa nije do sada najavljeno, al posto su se odmorili od fransize sa High Fi Rush-om vreme je da se vrate hororu :D
Ladno nisam znao da dobijamo Evil Within 3.

Opa... Nisam ni ja znao da uopšte postoji ideja da se radi nastavak. Sećam se da sam čitao da je dvojka bila kraj zvanični. Iskreno, ne znam da li je to pametno. Bio je to baš specifičan survival horor i ako su rešili da ga završe, ne znam zašto ovako brzo ga oživljavaju.

That being said... Naravno da će se igrati :D Ipak je to survival horor iz trećeg lica
Samo nek jebe MS.

Ako neće sad, ne znam kad će.
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I samo nek' šljaka turski GP za kesicu kikirikija i samo da je manje broken igara na launch-u i toeto.
Meni Evil Within 3 ima potpuno smisla, baš zato što je vrlo specifična igra i trenutno su retke dobre horor igre.

Inače pre par meseci je bilo i ovo

During the cinematic preceding Track 11: The Needle Drop, Chai and company are taking an elevator ride to meet Kale, the CEO of the Vandelay Corporation and the game's final boss. Just as the elevator reaches its destination, you get a split-second look at a screen that shows you've arrived at floor 776. At the bottom of the screen in small print is a feed with the weather and news. Next to "news" reads: "Sequel to popular survival horror franchise anounced [sic]."
Meni Evil Within 3 ima potpuno smisla, baš zato što je vrlo specifična igra i trenutno su retke dobre horor igre.

Inače pre par meseci je bilo i ovo

During the cinematic preceding Track 11: The Needle Drop, Chai and company are taking an elevator ride to meet Kale, the CEO of the Vandelay Corporation and the game's final boss. Just as the elevator reaches its destination, you get a split-second look at a screen that shows you've arrived at floor 776. At the bottom of the screen in small print is a feed with the weather and news. Next to "news" reads: "Sequel to popular survival horror franchise anounced [sic]."
Ne znam šta da očekujem ako Shinji Mikami ne radi na EW3
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