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PS5 Xseries PS4 XONE PC Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

Auf, pa 'ajde. Iskra nade se probudila, ali ne bih preterano da se lozim, najvise jer sam igrao Dear Esther i Machine for Pigs, pa nisam siguran da se Chinese Room mogu snaci sa igrama koje nisu walking simulator. Nadam se da gresim.
Vec zamisljam ovu igru kao walking simulator sa vampirima, setas nocu po gradu i u kanalizacijama, pricas sa vampirima...
We are happy to share that over the coming weeks we will reveal the four clans playable at launch. The first will be revealed next week. In addition to these four clans, an additional clan will be made available via DLC. A sixth clan will appear in a unique, standalone DLC. Details on the DLCs will be shared during 2024. Some of the clans will be familiar to Bloodlines players, but some will surprise!
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