Znaci zoo vrt se seli na adu, pa kad zamirise leti
Nisam bas siguran da ima dovoljno prostora na Adi Safari gde ga planiraju, ali ajde da vidimo.
Meni se zapravo svidja taj njihov miris, a i zivotinje bi trebale biti srecnije tu u tihoj sumi u odnosu na buku i zagadjenje u centru, tako da sam srecan zbog ove odluke.
Naleteh ponovo na ovaj wiki članak. Prvi put mi je rekao kolega za ovo i bilo mi je presmešno i ultra zanimljivo da čitam dobitnike.
"A parody of the Nobel Prizes, the Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded each year in mid-September, around the time the recipients of the genuine Nobel Prizes are announced, for ten achievements that "first make people laugh, and then make them think"."
Recimo, prve godine ovaj burn je neverovatan: Education – Dan Quayle, "consumer of time and occupier of space" (as well as the then-U.S. Vice President), for demonstrating, better than anyone else, the need for science education.
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