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PS5 PlayStation 5 Console Info - hardver, os, softver, vesti

Ko zna sta snimaju. Insomniac je poznat i po VR igrama, mozda ce nesto da prave i za PSVR2.
We’re making fantastic progress with our launch efforts and I wanted to update you on the latest. We’re rolling out our new offering for PlayStation Plus a little earlier in select markets in Asia, followed by Japan. Here is a look at our updated regional rollout schedule.

Asia markets (excluding Japan) – targeting May 23, 2022
Japan – targeting June 1, 2022
Americas – targeting June 13, 2022
Europe – targeting June 22, 2022

Additionally, we’re also expanding our cloud streaming access to the following locations for a total of 30 markets with cloud streaming access**. The following markets will also offer the Premium tier from PlayStation Plus at launch: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Republic of Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Da li ovo znaci da ce ubaciti jos cloud streaming servera blize nama [za Hrvate i Madjare]?
Today, we're excited to announce that Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) support will start rolling out globally to PS5 players this week. On HDMI 2.1 VRR-compatible TVs and PC monitors, VRR dynamically syncs the refresh rate of the display to the PS5 console's graphical output. This enhances visual performance for PS5 games by minimizing or eliminating visual artifacts, such as frame pacing issues and screen tearing. Gameplay in many PS5 titles feels smoother as scenes render seamlessly, graphics look crisper, and input lag is reduced.* Previously released PS5 games can be fully optimized for VRR through a game patch and future games may include VRR support at launch.

In the coming weeks, the PS5 versions of these titles will receive game patches enabling VRR support:

  • Astro's Playroom
  • Call of Duty: Vanguard
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
  • Destiny 2
  • Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition
  • DIRT 5
  • Godfall
  • Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered
  • Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
  • Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
  • Resident Evil Village
  • Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
  • Tribes of Midgard
These are just a few of the PS5 titles receiving VRR support and we'd like to thank their talented development teams. Please stay tuned to their channels for updates as you'll have the best experience with VRR once their game patches are live.

Postoji i toggle da se VRR upali i za sve igre. Vredno je spomena da i na PC-u postoji par igara kod kojih upaljen VRR izaziva flickering, glitcheve i sl, Halo Infinite je na kratko imao neki strobbing sa VRR.
Bitno je da radi, tesko da ce neka igra praviti probleme. A i ako bude, verovatno ce biti brzo isprozivana da se to ispravi.
Da da, koliko se Bloodborne 'isprozivao' za frame pacing pa znamo kako je to završilo.
FROM odbija bilo kakva tehnicka poboljsanja, ni za jednu igru nisu ispravili probleme. Bas su djubrad sto se toga tice, John sa DF-a iz redovno pljuje zbog toga. Samo cekaju da stigne jaci hardver.

A i ako bude neki flicker/glitch, tu vec Sony mozda moze da urgira zbog "neispravne igre", pogotovo kod brand new naslova.

Videcemo od ove liste podrzanih igara, da li ce neka od tih igara dobiti framerate unlock patch. Sada kada je VRR stigao, nema potrebe za 60fps lock-om kod npr Spidey performance RT moda.
Tehnička kompetentnost je za From ono što je nativna PS3 emulacija za Sony: naučna fantastika. :ROFLMAO:
Spidey Remastered patch je izasao, dodat je unlocked fps mode i 40fps locked mode za obe igre.

Za sada samo Insomniac u svoje igre dodaje 40fps lock.
Otkljucala mi se VRR opcija u OS-u bez downloada novog firmware-a, izgleda da je samo neki backend check na PSN serverima napravio opciju vidljivom. Moj predlog je da upalite konzolu [ako je bila u rest modu, uradite full reset] i ostavite je da radi malo, i pojavice se.

Videcu da veceras isprobam RE8 u RT i highframerate modu koji ne dostizu svoje 60/120 lockove.
Spidey Remastered patch je izasao, dodat je unlocked fps mode i 40fps locked mode za obe igre.

Za sada samo Insomniac u svoje igre dodaje 40fps lock.
I ovo je kao super, 40 fps-a haha? Nije 30 pa ajde kao evo im 40. Tacno cu razbiti ovaj ps5
propuštaš da je u pitanju 40fps sa 120hz osvežavanjem. odlično rešenje za one koji bi bolju grafiku, a da je tečnija od 30fps.
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