Ali ga zovu Remake-om (mada svako zove svoju igru kako želi),
Remaster bi trebalo da znači unapređenje/šminkanje postojeće igre (povećaju rezoluciju, povećaju FPS, dodaju efekte..),
a kad praktično prave novu igru od nule (bez obzira što je 1:1 verna originalu) to je u suštini Remake.
Kad imamo situaciju da je i sama igra dosta promenjena u odnosu na original, to bi se trebalo zvati Reimagining-om, takvih igara je vrlo malo.
A imamo i Reboot..
Te dve igre koje si spomenuo su isto remake, ali valjda misle da remaster bolje zvuči.
TLoU za PS4 i recimo ova igra (Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater) nikako ne mogu biti ista kategorija, prva je remaster a druga remake.
Remaster - This is the most common category and what most people are usually referring to. Also sometimes called the "HD" version of a game. This is a port of an existing game to a (usually) newer platform which may or may not have improvements made to its presentation. Improvements can be as simple as having a higher resolution/framerate, or as complex as new features, tweaked assets, new lighting effects, etc.
Examples: The Last of Us Remastered (duh), Skyrim: Special Edition, GTA V (PS4/XBO), Wind Waker HD, Devil May Cry Collection.
Remake - Arguably the most desirable category. For the most part, a remake is a brand new game that closely adheres to the design and narrative of a previous game, only now created with modern tools (like a modern engine) and techniques. If not entirely created from scratch, generally speaking, the game will contain more new code/assets than old recycled code/assets.
Examples: Shadow of the Colossus PS4, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Resident Evil (Gamecube).
Reboot - A brand new game, with new design concepts, that shares only loose ties to the core design concept or existing characters/lore of an ongoing series. Otherwise viewed as a sequel, or prequel, that throws away most of what has been previously established in an interconnected series of games. Narratively and thematically, it often returns to the origin of the series, and sometimes re-uses the same name as the first in a series, though not always.
Reimagining - Similar to a remake, only with far more liberties taken with respect to the design and narrative. In extreme cases, it can have attributes of both a remake and a reboot.
Examples: Ratchet and Clank (2016), XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Metroid: Samus Returns, Final Fantasy VII Remake (name is misleading imo).
To be clear, a lot of this can be subjective, and there are definitely many games that fall into grey areas. For example, Mortal Kombat (2011) is a reimagining of the narrative from the first 3 MK games, while from a design perspective, it is a reboot. As another example, Resident Evil (PS3/PS4) can be considered a remaster of Resident Evil (Gamecube) which can be considered a remake of Resident Evil (PS1).
Like I said, not a definitive guide, but hopefully it helps a little bit.
Ali ga zovu Remake-om (mada svako zove svoju igru kako želi),
Remaster bi trebalo da znači unapređenje/šminkanje postojeće igre (povećaju rezoluciju, povećaju FPS, dodaju efekte..),
a kad praktično prave novu igru od nule (bez obzira što je 1:1 verna originalu) to je u suštini Remake.
Kad imamo situaciju da je i sama igra dosta promenjena u odnosu na original, to bi se trebalo zvati Reimagining-om, takvih igara je vrlo malo.
A imamo i Reboot..
Te dve igre koje si spomenuo su isto remake, ali valjda misle da remaster bolje zvuči.
TLoU za PS4 i recimo ova igra (Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater) nikako ne mogu biti ista kategorija, prva je remaster a druga remake.
Remaster - This is the most common category and what most people are usually referring to. Also sometimes called the "HD" version of a game. This is a port of an existing game to a (usually) newer platform which may or may not have improvements made to its presentation. Improvements can be as simple as having a higher resolution/framerate, or as complex as new features, tweaked assets, new lighting effects, etc.
Examples: The Last of Us Remastered (duh), Skyrim: Special Edition, GTA V (PS4/XBO), Wind Waker HD, Devil May Cry Collection.
Remake - Arguably the most desirable category. For the most part, a remake is a brand new game that closely adheres to the design and narrative of a previous game, only now created with modern tools (like a modern engine) and techniques. If not entirely created from scratch, generally speaking, the game will contain more new code/assets than old recycled code/assets.
Examples: Shadow of the Colossus PS4, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Resident Evil (Gamecube).
Reboot - A brand new game, with new design concepts, that shares only loose ties to the core design concept or existing characters/lore of an ongoing series. Otherwise viewed as a sequel, or prequel, that throws away most of what has been previously established in an interconnected series of games. Narratively and thematically, it often returns to the origin of the series, and sometimes re-uses the same name as the first in a series, though not always.
Reimagining - Similar to a remake, only with far more liberties taken with respect to the design and narrative. In extreme cases, it can have attributes of both a remake and a reboot.
Examples: Ratchet and Clank (2016), XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Metroid: Samus Returns, Final Fantasy VII Remake (name is misleading imo).
To be clear, a lot of this can be subjective, and there are definitely many games that fall into grey areas. For example, Mortal Kombat (2011) is a reimagining of the narrative from the first 3 MK games, while from a design perspective, it is a reboot. As another example, Resident Evil (PS3/PS4) can be considered a remaster of Resident Evil (Gamecube) which can be considered a remake of Resident Evil (PS1).
Like I said, not a definitive guide, but hopefully it helps a little bit.
Taj rad, tako da Zelda TOTK mozemo nazvati pre remasterom, nego li remake-om BOTW-a, dodali malo ostrine (FSR), malo dalje pogurali draw distance, malo pecnuli saturaciju i toeto...
Taj rad, tako da Zelda TOTK mozemo nazvati pre remasterom, nego li remake-om BOTW-a, dodali malo ostrine (FSR), malo dalje pogurali draw distance, malo pecnuli saturaciju i toeto...
Ta ps3 kolekcija jeste najsadrzajnija ali 360 HD verzije imaju bolji performans, narocito Snake Eater. Posle su ih dodatno podigli na One/Series konzolama.
Ta ps3 kolekcija jeste najsadrzajnija ali 360 HD verzije imaju bolji performans, narocito Snake Eater. Posle su ih dodatno podigli na One/Series konzolama.
Znam samo mi je nekako ipak sve to sa nostalgične tačke ipak nekako vezano za sony. Bio je mgs2 za klasični xbox ali je ipak to nekako sony igra bez obzira na bolje performance na boxu [emoji846]
Ali cudno je videti trejler za MGS igru sa ovakim straight slideshow pristupom, Kojima je uvek radio zanimljivije edit-e sa malo price, tenzije, misterije, itd. Koliko ljudi pravi dobre MGS fantrejlere, mogli su njima dati sansu da edituju first in-engine showcase sa malo stila.
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