Svima opala prodaja samo Nintendu raste,kako?
Nije da su poznati po popustima nenormalnim
To sto si napisao ne opravdava pad prodaje tj povecanje kod nintenda.IMO veliki i aktivan install base,
PS5 i XsX tek treba da naprave veći install base dok su XB1/PS4 korisnici sve manje aktivni.
To sto si napisao ne opravdava pad prodaje tj povecanje kod nintenda.
Dali je install base milion ili sto miliona nema veze sa povecanjem prodaje softvera.
Jos pogotovo kada se uzme u obzir da nista senzacionalno nije izaslo za switch.
Microsoft was expected to offer remedies to EU regulators in an attempt to avert a statement of charge and shorten the regulatory process, other sources familiar with the matter told Reuters in November.
The EU competition enforcer, however, is not expected to be open to remedies without first sending out its charge sheet, although there are ongoing informal discussions on concessions, the people said.
Ufff to bi bila vest decenije.bilo bi lepo da su toda liferovali...