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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

Nintendo FY3/2023 Q3 Earnings Release

-Switch hardware total 122.55 million shipped
-Switch hardware this quarter: 8.22 million shipped

-Switch software total: 994.3 million
-Switch software sold this quarter: 76.71 million

First 3 Quarters:
-Net sales: ¥1.295.178m
-Operating profit: ¥472.551m
-Net profit ¥346.227m ($2.67b)

Updated sales numbers as of December 31, 2022 (+sales in the last quarter):
  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 52.00M (+3.59M)
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 41.59M (+1.42M)
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - 30.44M (+910K)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 29.00M (+1.21M)
  • Pokémon Sword and Shield - 25.68M (+310K)
  • Super Mario Odyssey - 25.21M (+810K)
  • Pokémon Scarlet and Violet - 20.61M
  • Super Mario Party - 18.79M (+440K)
  • Ring Fit Adventure - 15.22M (+350K)
  • Pokemon: Let's Go! - 15.07M (+260K)
  • Pokémon Legends: Arceus - 14.63M (+720K)
  • Luigi’s Mansion 3 - 12.44M (+1.01M since March 31, 2022)
  • Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury - 10.82M (+1.39M since March 31, 2022)
  • Splatoon 3 - 10.13M (+2.23M)
  • Mario Party Superstars - 9.38M (+1.31M since September 30, 2022)
  • Nintendo Switch Sports - 8.61M (+2.46M)
  • Kirby and the Forgotten Land - 6.12M (+850K)
  • Mario Strikers: Battle League - 2.47M (+300K)
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - 1.81M (+90K)
  • Bayonetta 3 - 1.04M





-Switch je postao 3. najprodavanija konzola ikada (prošao je GB/GBC i PS4), ispred su samo DS i PS2
-Switch ima skoro milijardu prodatih igara
-MK8D je prošao 50m prodatih igara, Animal Crossing 40m, Smash Bros. 30m, Mario Odyssey 25m
Nintendo diže svim zaposlenicima u Japanu plaću za 10%. Ne znam što je s ovima koji su u NOE i NOA, ali pozitivno u svakom slučaju nakon svih onih vijesti o otkazima u drugim kompanijama :D

EDIT: Glavni razlog je izgleda pad vrijednosti yena u odnosu na dolar i euro pa vjerojatno zato samo u Japanu.

Plate u japanu su smesno male svakako. Na zapadu developeri u vecim timovima dobijaju 2x vise para, i imaju bolje uslove za rad. U japanu i dalje vazi pravilo da moras da robujes u firmi.

Inace, drzavni organ za nadgledanje konkurencije u UK koji se protivi MS+Acti/Blizz kupovini je izdao svoj oficijelni izvestaj sa predlozima kako da se resi problem. Prvo sto predlazu je da MS odiustane od kupovine/prodaju sve sto je vezano za Call of Duty, ili da odustanu/prodaju ceo Activision, ili da odustanu/prodaju i Activision i Blizzard. Ali kazu, razmotrice "obecanja" koje ce MS da ponudi iako smatraju da takve mere nisu efektivne.

Provisional findings from the CMA:

- Short version (2 pages)
- Summary (16 pages)
- Long version (277 pages)
- Appendices and glossary (43 pages)
- PlayStation gamer research (38 pages)
- Press release

The merger may be expected to result in a substantial lessening of competition in:

A) console gaming in the UK due to vertical effects resulting from input foreclosure; and

B) cloud gaming services in the UK due to vertical effects resulting from input foreclosure.

Possible remedies:

1) Requiring a partial divestiture of Activision Blizzard:

a) Divestiture of the business associated with Call of Duty;

b) Divestiture of the Activision segment of Activision Blizzard, which would include the business associated with Call of Duty;

c) Divestiture of the Activision segment and the Blizzard segment (the Blizzard segment) of Activision Blizzard, Inc., which would include the business associated with Call of Duty and World of Warcraft, among other titles.

2) Prohibition of the merger.

3) Access remedies will be considered:

18. Microsoft has, however, informed us of existing and potential contractual arrangements with third-party platforms relating to access to Call of Duty. Accordingly, while none of the circumstances in which the CMA would select a behavioural remedy as the primary source of remedial action in a merger investigation (as summarised in paragraph 15 above) appear to be present, the CMA will also consider a behavioural access remedy as a possible remedy.

19. Access remedies are a form of behavioural remedy which seek to maintain or restore competition by enabling competitors to have access on appropriate terms to the products and facilities of a merger entity that they require to remain competitive. Access remedies normally require an access commitment which is set out in significant detail so that both customers and monitoring agencies can enforce compliance effectively. In this case, an access remedy would look to ensure third party access to Activision Blizzard, Inc's content that is necessary to remedy the provisional SLCs.

44. As noted above, the circumstances in which the CMA might select a behavioural remedy as the primary source of remedial action are not present in this case. The two markets in which the CMA has provisionally found SLCs are multi-faceted and continue to develop. This is particularly the case in cloud gaming, where the customer offerings and business models of market participants are evolving rapidly. We are of the initial view that any behavioural remedy in this case is likely to present material effectiveness risks. We invite the Parties to provide evidence on how these risks could be appropriately managed to ensure that any behavioural remedy is effective.

Next steps

The main parties (MS/ABK) have until March 1st 2023 to respond to the provisional findings.

Interested parties have until February 22nd 2023 to respond to the remedies notice.

A microsoft i dalje ponavlja "10 godina COD-a za sve"!

Ako prođe deal za 10 godina će i dalje govoriti kako 'nije bilo fer za nas'.
Evo zasto 10 godina COD-a je problem. Casual igraci itekako uzimaju konzole zbog odredjenih franshiza koje im se svidjaju.

Nije fer situacija, ogromna diskrepanca u prodaji, MS treba da se žali da im se ograniči broj prodanih konzola.
Evo zasto 10 godina COD-a je problem. Casual igraci itekako uzimaju konzole zbog odredjenih franshiza koje im se svidjaju.

Jel može neko da mi objasni ovu matematiku jer meni ovo nema nikakvog smisla?

Sent from my Mi 9T Pro using Tapatalk
Jel može neko da mi objasni ovu matematiku jer meni ovo nema nikakvog smisla?

Sent from my Mi 9T Pro using Tapatalk
Multiple choice je bio upitnik, ali najbitnije je da od svih tih testiranih PlayStation igraca ljudi, 64% [73% od 88% testiranih] je reklo da je na njihovu kupovinu utice dostupnost COD-a.

Kada istekne tih famoznih 10 godina, sta onda? Misljenje ogromnog broja casual igraca ce moci da se preokrene ako MS promeni svoj pristup distribuciji te ogromne franshize.
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