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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

edit: prethodni izveštaj je bio krajem aprila, kada su prebacili 5 miliona. Prosto mi je neverovatno da su prodali milion kopija relativno stare igre za ovih šest meseci. Svakako dobre vesti za serijal.
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PlayStation 5 ranking first in both unit and dollar sales.
Nintendo Switch ranked 2nd in unit sales among hardware platforms in the month, while Xbox Series placed 2nd in dollar sales.
"Today, Spencer said, Microsoft gives people choice in how much they'd like to spend if they want consoles. The company offers the $499 Xbox Series X and the less powerful $299 Xbox Series S. Microsoft subsidizes the cost to the tune of $100 to $200 per console, with the expectation that it will make the money back on sales of accessories and storefront purchases, he said. "

Blizi se poskupljenje gamepass-a, pogotovo ako nastave da prodaju konzole u ovakvom minusu. Phill i sam kaze da GamePass nece jos puno rasti, jer su ugrabili vecinu ljudi koji bi ikad hteli da uzmu tu pretplatu. Jos se ceka da se vidi kako ce Acti kupovina uticati na Xbox.
Sony Group Corporation - FY22 Q2 (July - September 2022) Financial Results:

Revenue: ¥2,751.9B/$19.91B (+16.14% YoY from ¥2369.4B/$21.52B in FY21 Q2)
Operating Income: ¥344B/$2.49B (+8.01% YoY from ¥318.5B/$2.89B - in FY21 Q2)
Net Income : ¥264B/$1.91B (+23.89% YoY from ¥213.1B/$1.94B - in FY21 Q2)

Gaming & Network Services (PlayStation) Revenue: ¥720.7B/$5.21B (+11.7% YoY from ¥645.4B/$5.86B in FY21 Q2)
Gaming & Network Services (PlayStation) Operating Profit: ¥42.1B/$0.305B (-49.1% YoY from ¥82.7B/$0.751B in FY21 Q2)


3.3M PS5s shipped last quarter (Vs 4M PS4s in FY15 Q2)
  • Flat YoY (3.3M units in Q2 FY21)
  • Shipments grew by 37.5% QoQ (2.4M units in Q1 FY22)
  • 5.7M PS5s shipped this FY, far behind Sony's target for the Fiscal Year (18M consoles)
  • 25M PS5s shipped LTD (Vs 29.3M PS4s in the same timeframe)


62.5M Full PS4/PS5 Games sold, a significant 18.19% decrease YoY (Down from 76.4M in FY21 Q2). Full Games Software unit sales increased 32.42% QoQ.
  • Digital Games accounted for 63% of full games sales in FY22 Q2 (flat YoY, 62% in FY21 Q2)
  • 6.7M First Party Games were sold (down from 7.6M in FY21 Q2), accounting for 10.72% of the total Games sold in FY22 Q2 (Up from 9.95% in FY21 Q2)




God of War has sold over 23 million copies since launch.
Rekordni promet novca, ali troskovi poslovanja su bas narasli.

Kazu da je proizvodnja PS5 hardvera postala laksa i da ce do kraja FY mozda i nadmasiti godisnju metu od 18M konzola.

Sto se PS+ pretplate tice, nisu imali popuste tokom kvartala a i PS4 korisnici napustaju pretplatu brze od ocekivanog.
Da, ukupan prihod nikad veći, a profit najmanji poslednjih 6 godina..
Nintendo FY3/2023 Q2 Earnings Release

-Switch hardware total 114.33 million shipped
-Switch hardware this quarter: 3.25 million shipped

-Switch software total: 917.59 million
-Switch software sold this quarter: 95.41 million

-Net sales this quarter: ¥349.514m
-Operating income this quarter: ¥118.740m ($1b)
-Net income this quarter: ¥111.467m ($760m)

Updated sales numbers as of September 30, 2022 (+sales in the last quarter):
  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 48.41M (+1.59M)
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 40.17M (+790K)
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - 29.53M (+710K)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 27.79M (+650K)
  • Pokémon Sword/Shield - 25.37M (+870K)
  • Super Mario Odyssey - 24.40M (+470K)
  • Super Mario Party - 18.35M (+290K)
  • Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl - 14.92M (+130K)
  • Ring Fit Adventure - 14.87M (+330K)
  • Pokemon: Let's Go! - 14.81M (+150K)
  • Pokémon Legends: Arceus - 13.91M (+1.27M since March 2022)
  • Mario Party Superstars - 8.07M (+1.19M since March 2022)
  • Splatoon 3 - 7.90M
  • Nintendo Switch Sports - 6.15M (+1.31M)
  • Kirby and the Forgotten Land - 5.27M (+740K)
  • Mario Strikers: Battle League - 2.17M (+260K)
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - 1.72M




Ne očekujem dizanje cena ali ne očekujem ni spuštanje cena, Switch nije menjao cenu od izlaska 2017,
novi model će možda nešto promeniti kad bude najavljen i izašao..

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