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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

Nintendo zna da nemaju full mutliplat support, nemaju COD, GTA, i gomilu drugih mainstream igara, pa zato ne spustaju cene svojih igara. :P
Ryan added he wants to grow the PlayStation community by expanding outside its traditional console market. We have seen this with several PlayStation games getting released on PC.

"I've been on record talking about increasing the size of the PlayStation community, and expanding beyond our historic console heartland. This can take many forms. And definitely one of the main ones is the ability for the wonderful games that we've been making over the past 25 years to be enjoyed in different places and played in different ways.

"We are starting to go multiplatform, you've seen that. We have an aggressive road map with live services. And the opportunity to work with, and particularly learn from, the brilliant and talented people from Bungie... that is going to considerably accelerate the journey we find ourselves on."

Prevedeno: Hocemo da zaradjujemo i od igraca sa drugih platformi.
"We are starting to go multiplatform, you've seen that. We have an aggressive road map with live services. And the opportunity to work with, and particularly learn from, the brilliant and talented people from Bungie... that is going to considerably accelerate the journey we find ourselves on."
Ocekujem PSN launcher u nekoj blizoj buducnosti.
MS ce sledece godine dobiti pristup Battlenet launcheru, ali verovatno ce ostati na WinStore i Steam pristupu.

Sony u zadnje ~pola godine:

June 29th 2021 Housemarque
Jul 1st 2021 Nixxes
Sep 8th 2021 Firesprite
Sept 30th 2021 Bluepoint
Dec 10th 2021 Valkyrie Entertainment
Jan 31st 2021 Bungie
M$ ozbiljno siri bazu sa igrama, Sony ce morati da pocne da radi nesto konkretnije, jer za par godina M$ moze da ih presisa ako nastave ovako.
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