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Hardware General (vesti/konferencije/glasine)

Pa da, biće "hoćete li naše preskupe i stabilne procesore ili Intelove koji se raspadaju".
Već su pokazali da dižu cene i kad mogu i kad ne mogu. Ako se na to dodaju glasine da će RDNA4 biti brži samo u RTu (mada duplo brži) a možda čak i sporiji u rasterizaciji u odnosu na RDNA3 postoji dobra šansa da će da urade sve što mogu da svtore kakve takve zalihe kapitala.
Svez Q&A sa Intelom

How many chips does Intel estimate are likely to be irreversibly impacted by these issues?
Intel Core 13th and 14th Generation desktop processors with 65W or higher base power – including K/KF/KS and 65W non-K variants – could be affected by the elevated voltages issue. However, this does not mean that all processors listed are (or will be) impacted by the elevated voltages issue.
to samo i9 ili svi imaju defekt?

Po ovome sto oni kazu, samo oni koji su base 65W ili jaci... Sto znaci sve osim entry i3 modela i "T" varijacija. [ali vredno je reci da je Wendell naisao na 13700T koji je nestabilan]

Sortirano po base TDP:


Navodno i u idle radu nepravilno koriscenje voltaze izaziva laganu degradaciju, a najvise su pogodjeni i9 modeli koji su od starta nasvirani da budu blizu granice stabilnog.


😂 😂 😂

Mozda je zajebancija. Videcemo sta ce AMD reci [ako ikad kazu].
Sad sam video. Ako je istina to je stvarno "epic facepalm". Mogli su da plate kineze da premažu 9 korektoron i napišu 7 :P
Ako je istina, nece ovo verovatno javno priznati jer bi time urusili ugled TSMC-a ili nekog drugog partnera.


MILD je u novom videu dobio info insajdera sta se desava u Intelu i AMD-u oko procesora.

Intel je podeljen - pola zaposlenih misle da Intel nije napravio nikakvu gresku, a druga polovina se boji jakih posledica i zbog toga odbijaju javno da priznaju probleme.

A AMD nije imao samo typo na headsprederu, u prvoj turi su odabrali mali broj procesora koji ne prolaze nove testove koji su naknadno dodati. Nema greske kod procesora, nego su losi binovi prosli ono sto se sada smatra za finalni proizvod.
AMD su svetci u poredjenju sa intelom. Inace vidi se po svim ovim reportazama kolika je intel la piovra od firme, niko po ovim reportazama ni ne spekulise o posledicama jer se zna da ih nema
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Ako Arc GPU divizija prezivi ovo, bice cudo. Mada mislim da treba da izguraju Arc koliko god mogu, to je bitan deo trzista od kojeg su ranije vec odustali.

I AMD je ranije dok su se spasavali od bakrota imao lude poteze sa svojium GPU IP-om. Da nisu prodali mobilnu diviziju ATI-a Qualcomu, ne bi ih sada Adreno GPU pritiskao u mobilnom segmentu.
Intel se oglasio, daju dve godine dodatne garancije za 13th i 14th gen procesore.

Intel Two-Year Warranty Extension Statement​

Intel is committed to making sure all customers who have or are currently experiencing instability symptoms on their 13th and/or 14th Gen desktop processors are supported in the exchange process. We stand behind our products, and in the coming days we will be sharing more details on two-year extended warranty support for our boxed Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen desktop processors.

In the meantime, if you are currently or previously experienced instability symptoms on your Intel Core 13th/14th Gen desktop system:

  • For users who purchased systems from OEM/System Integrators – please reach out to your system manufacturer’s support team for further assistance.
  • For users who purchased a boxed CPU – please reach out to Intel Customer Support for further assistance.
Intel is also investigating options to easily identify affected processors on end user systems and will provide additional guidance as soon as possible.

At the same time, we apologize for the delay in communications as this has been a challenging issue to unravel and definitively root cause.

Intel Via Oxidation Statement​

The Via Oxidation issue currently reported in the press is a minor one that was addressed with manufacturing improvements and screens in early 2023.

The issue was identified in late 2022, and with the manufacturing improvements and additional screens implemented Intel was able to confirm full removal of impacted processors in our supply chain by early 2024. However, on-shelf inventory may have persisted into early 2024 as a result.

Minor manufacturing issues are an inescapable fact with all silicon products. Intel continuously works with customers to troubleshoot and remediate product failure reports and provides public communications on product issues when the customer risk exceeds Intel quality control thresholds.
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