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PS5 Xseries Switch PC General Multiplatform tema (trejleri/vesti/glasine)

A treba i dodati da je Quantum Break teško đubre :D
Meni je bio dobar, ne Max Payne nivo, ali mozda i njihova najbolja igra posle Max Payna...
Sva sreca rade remake proverenog hita, pa ne bi trebalo da se desi da nesto zastrane...
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is a remaster of Chrono Cross which includes Radical Dreamers, which was previously only released for the Satellaview in Japan.

Izaslo! :)

Tomb Raider Reboot Writer Wants the New Game’s Story to Offer More Fun, Less Daddy Issues

We had a really fun time-evolving her character, so I would like to see probably less father issues, and that's coming from me! I like seeing her striking out on her own and really taking some joy in what she does. Because when we wrote the reboot game, she was really on her way to becoming a tomb raider. So she was like proto-Tomb Raider. And all the traits that you associate with Tomb Raider like tenaciousness, bravery, resourcefulness, were kind of bubbling to the surface with her.

I want to see that [come to] full fruition, I want to see the sassy one liners and things that I would have loved to have written. But, you know, she wasn't at that stage yet, she didn't have the confidence yet. I think that the trilogy went down really well with fans, so it's gonna be exciting to see what they do next.
Eurogamer je uspeo da izvuče Phila Fisha iz bunkera za desetogodišnjicu Feza :)

Fez mi je tada bio jedna od ubedljivo najboljih indie igara (a i sada je pri vrhu) i pokazao šta sposobni ljudi mogu da naprave u tom segmentu industrije.
Eurogamer je uspeo da izvuče Phila Fisha iz bunkera za desetogodišnjicu Feza :)

Fez mi je tada bio jedna od ubedljivo najboljih indie igara (a i sada je pri vrhu) i pokazao šta sposobni ljudi mogu da naprave u tom segmentu industrije.
Ja bih rekao i jedna od boljih igara generalno u svakom segmentu industrije.
Uveren sam da je neko kachio, mozhda chak i ja, ali naravno da nema veze, tvoje je frishko.
Kul mi deluje. :3
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