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PS5 Xseries Switch PC General Multiplatform tema (trejleri/vesti/glasine)

To vreme se nazalost nece vratiti. Marketing je evoluirao sa centralne letnje konvencije na standalone prezentacije. Ako nista drugo, SGF livestream show je tu da makar ponudi jedan letnji show za multiplat naslove. Geoff je jedini sada koji pravi takve multiplat eventove, junski SGF, avgust Gamescom i decembar TGA.

A E3 ce se tesko vratiti i sledece godine... or ever.

edit- And now its official

edit2- intervju sa organizatorom
Last edited:
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora main promotional info:

Abducted by the the RDA, you, a Na’vi child, are trained and molded to serve their purpose. You must reconnect with your ancient heritage and join the other clans to protect Pandora.

Harness your incredible strength and agility while customizing your character; crafting new gear, and upgrading skills and weapons to fit your playstyle.

Fight off the dangers of Pandora as you embrace the precision of traditional Na’vi weapons, including your bow and spear-thrower, or leverage your human training with more destructive weapons, such as assault rifle and shotgun.

Capture and bond with your personal banshee—a large, dragon-like winged predator that will give you an edge in aerial combat and can be used for traveling long distances.

Unfold the epic wonders of the Western Frontier – a never-before-seen continent of Pandora. Journey through beautiful yet unpredictable open world regions, where lowering your guard can lead to deadly mistakes.

Bas me interesuje sta ce Massive Entertainment da napravi od ove igre.
Sta kazu KancerERA insajderi, igra ce ipak biti iz prvog lica?
Cemu sumnja? Developeri su sami rekli da ce biti FPS kada su prvi put prikazali igru pre 2 godine.

Radili su na Division igrama vec deceniju, verovatno im je dosta TPS-a.
Toga sam se i plasio - znaci Far Cry: Pandora

Da, postoji samo jedan FPS koji Ubisoft moze ikad da napravi. Nema sanse da ce ikad promeniti svoju formulu.

Kada je Massive iskopirao Assassins Creed sa The Division-om, to je bio samo njihov prvi korak u kloniranju drugih Ubisoft franshiza.

Krajem maja kreci novi Games Done Quick speedrun event.

Ovo se gleda obavezno:

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
any% Blindfolded

Blindfold run-ovi su uvek zabavni, prosle godine je bio blindfolded Sekiro.
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