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Gaming related videos thread

Хе хе. Немачки баш зна да буде секси.
А што се тиче игре, цела је била на немачом сем оне ”Beans, beans musical fruit" и дан данас је певушим.
In 2008, when I was working for the good folks at Janimation in Dallas Tx,
we were hired by Gearbox to create a vertical slice (an animated version of what the game will look like) for the game "Duke Nukem Begins", a Duke origin story.
I headed up this project, as the director at Janimation, and did a lot of the character development, including the design and modeling of Duke. We poured everything we had into making the most awesome cinematic Janimation had ever created. But unfortunately, we got word the game was canceled due to the legal issues with Duke Nukem at the time.
"Duke Nukem Begins" was never made.
It crushed us, as this was what we thought could help us compete with bigger players in the game trailer market at the time.
Because it is still a piece I am damn proud of, I am releasing it 13 years after its creation. The whole team that worked with me deserves to see this released into the wild.
I hope this somehow resurrects this version of the game by showing the world how awesome it would have been...

Uvek je sastavni deo gejminga bio da se čeka neki Duke koji nikada neće izaći ili se odlaže u beskraj. Odličan trejler
Potpuno ispravna odluka da otkazu igru, onakav gameplay izbaciti pre 20 godina a ne pre samo 10 bi ih potpuno ukopao.
Sva tri dela sabijaju a ja sam voleo i 4. Igrao onu odvratnu ps3 verziju al odradio najjače moguće ishode fuck it.
Dobri stari non-dzemperski Ubisoft. (y) Ono neverovatno kada gledam listu njihovih igara od 90ih pa negde do ~2013. Ovo posle sta rade plac majke bozije.
Tad sam se negde i ja evakuisao a igrao sam baš dosta Ubi.

Al evo po malo se kao vraćam. Origins kompletirao nije loš, ne bi proveo toliko sati da je najveće djubre
Dobar je Origins. Imao veci potencijal i od Unity da bude medju najboljim u serijalu.
Igrao sam Unity kod ortaka dok još nisam imao PS4. Zamalo da predjem celu kampanju za dva dana ali smo se nešto popičkali i nisam na kraju završio...Nije mi bio toliko loš...E da odigrao sam 100% i Sindikat to uvek zaboravim ok skroz...
Legends je imao samo muzicke nivoe a svojoj strani. Za sve osttalo Origins dominira.
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