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Imaš najslabiji tv, najslabiju konzolu i najslabiji komp na forumu, pametnom dosta o (nedostižnim) snovima. :ROFLMAO:
ne znam i nisam razmisljao o tome. Nego reci mi kako te sluzi komp? Ti si bese kupio komp od oko 5000 eura? Vlazan san za Omegu i ekipu 😄
Ja sam prezadovoljan.jes da se cpu greje ko lud al to je normalno za ovaj cpu i generalno amd :) ovako radi ko sat 4k igre lete i to sve preko 60fps
2FA Chodi. Idi na recover pass ili zovi support

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Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says the company's metaverse plans will bring 2D games like Halo, Minecraft, and Flight Sim into the 3D world.

"Yeah, absolutely, you should expect to see this expand into gaming]. The way I think of it...we're a platform company and we always build the core intrinsics first and then build it into our first-party applications. So you absolutely can expect us to do things in gaming."

"If you take Halo as a game, it is a metaverse. Minecraft is a metaverse and so is Flight Sim. In some sense they are 2D today, but the question is 'can you now take that to a full 3D world?' We absolutely plan to do so."
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