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Steam Deck

2230 2tb sad oko 13k, stigao mi pre neki dan. Taj dock sa ssd lezistem i nema previse namena in my book.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 using Tapatalk
2230 2tb sad oko 13k, stigao mi pre neki dan. Taj dock sa ssd lezistem i nema previse namena in my book.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 using Tapatalk
Slažem se, ne vidim poentu držati igre na docku, sem ako igraš docked 99% vremena. Steam prilično dobro hendla library hotswap, but still.
Nova SteamOS beta donosi ugradjenu opciju za kalibraciju boja ekrana, podrsku za HDR/VRR na eksternim ekranima, i jos dosta toga.

Default vs SRGB [ima jos i "boosted"]

Kad se gleda steam deck iz blizine iz koje se koristi, koje velicine ispadne ekran kad bi se poredio sa kompjuterskim monitorom, koliko incha?
Uzmi telefon i prosiri ga na 16:10.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 using Tapatalk

Valve has been clear it wants to build a Steam Deck 2 — and equally clear that a faster handheld wouldn’t arrive soon. Now, Valve’s Pierre-Loup Griffais tells The Verge and CNBC that it could be late 2025 or beyond before it raises that bar — because it wants to see a leap in performance without a significant hit to battery life. “I don’t anticipate such a leap to be possible in the next couple of years,” he told me via email.

Here’s the whole quote:

It’s important to us that the Deck offers a fixed performance target for developers, and that the message to customers is simple, where every Deck can play the same games. As such, changing the performance level is not something we are taking lightly, and we only want to do so when there is a significant enough increase to be had. We also don’t want more performance to come at a significant cost to power efficiency and battery life. I don’t anticipate such a leap to be possible in the next couple of years, but we’re still closely monitoring innovations in architectures and fabrication processes to see where things are going there.
Eve ga najzad i kod nas po pristupacnim cenama za siroke narodne mase.

~560e za 64GB model
~850e za 512GB model
Eve ga najzad i kod nas po pristupacnim cenama za siroke narodne mase.

~560e za 64GB model
~850e za 512GB model
Odakle njima uopste to. Sumnjam da je zvanicno.
Je l' ima neko ovde sa dovoljno muda i skila da apgrejduje ram? :D

Sent from my Galaxy Z Flip 5 using Tapatalk
Ja ne, barem za sada. :) Nemam ni svu opremu koja je za to potrebna. Ali eto izazova za nekad...
Fino malo jaca baterija i oled ekran. Uzecu kad se bude otvorio neki smuglerski kanal za nabavku.
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