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Steam Deck

Futrola bi trebalo da je deo osnovnog Steam Deck paketa.

CAD model bi mogao da se iskoristi za custom Steam Deck dock, ili dodatak dodatne baterija na pozadini [ako neko hoce da mu Deck bude jos tezi :D].

edit - poljski opis steam deck-a, prikazano je dosta igara [najvise Dying Light 2]

Reddit summary:
* Good performance
* Dying Light 2 is stable and works well
* Much larger than switch (duh)
* Wrists got sore after 50 minutes of playing in bed
* Dying Light 2 battery lasted 1 hour 50 minutes of playtime.
* This is a PC device, playing some games fully designed for M+K games could not be optimal
* Can't use on-screen software keyboard in Skyrim, he needed to use physical one in order to progress
* Total War is playable but was not comfortable to play
* Hearts of Iron is "fit" for Steam Deck and has some custom bindings for touchpads
* Super Hot is also fit and works well
* You can bind back buttons
* Some games don't support touch controls (touchscreen) well as well as some text can be hard to read depending on a game.
* Quick summary of Steam Deck Verified program
* If Deck gathers considerable user base, developers will pay more attention to handheld support
* Not all games work on Deck but the price is very attractive compared to gaming PCs
* Can it replace a desktop gaming PC? No, its a whole different form factor and consumer experience
* Good portable device, but Switch is smaller and offers more portability e.g. for public transport, whereas Deck is chonky and can't be carried in a pocket.
* Very versatile and offers many capabilities, especially in terms of performance, but in terms of comfort he rates it 6/10
* It's a better investment if you like games designed with a controller in mind
* Cities Skylines and Euro Truck Simulator didn't want to work for some reason *(which is strange, considering that both games are Linux native... Ed.)*
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Jedan od glavnih favorita Steam Deck-a mi je taj sto ne moras ponovo da kupujes igre za isti ako ih vec imas u vlasnistvu. Mogli su da budu bezobrazni i da lupe ''Steam Deck logo'' na igre i da traze ponovo pare za iste, al kontam da bi jako lose prosli sa tom idejom.
Čak i da su tražili manji 'fee' po igri za Deck kompatibilnost loše bi prošlo. Od skoro 800 igara koje imam na Steam-u čak da valja manje od 10%, opet sam osiguran da ne moram kupovati igre ispočetka. Plus konsolidirani svi mogući emulatori na jednom mjestu, milina.
Nabijem ih zbog one baterije koju su onako ružno fiksirali doduše.
Ne sećam kada sam poslednji puta na nečemu nameštao skinove. Danas si srećan ako SaaS web sajt koji moraš da koristiš nudi dark mode.

Brutalan potez.
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