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Dreamcast Sega Dreamcast general tema (igre, vesti, diskusija)

Kul modovi ok, ali ono sto je vazno iz ovog videa je posebna verzija VA0 Dreamcasta.
Ovaj iz videa sa metalnim kulerom i metalnim hladjenjem.

Daje 5V i nikako bez moda ne sme da se koristi sa ODE GDEmu.

@Ashitaka je provalio da ima taj model Dreamcast-a i dobro da je pogledao ovaj video pre. Jos je hteo GDemu da kupi od mene. :D

Ja pojma nisam imao.
Video sam uživo ovu konzolu samo jednom, u jednoj igraonici u Pirotu kada sam završavao osnovnu ili krenuo srednju. Čudio se tada šta je to i zašto ta dva lika koja su igrala neku igru na tome ne igraju na PlayStationu kao normalan narod 😂
Kaze MVG

"The concern was 16MB memory and relative small amount of vram that the dreamcast supports..."

Brate, dovoljno je minut da nadjes info da DC ima vise vrama.

Compared to the rival PlayStation 2, the Dreamcast is more effective at textures, anti-aliasing, and image quality, while the PS2 is more effective at polygon geometry, physics, particles, and lighting. The PS2 has a more powerful CPU geometry engine, higher translucent fillrate, and more main RAM (32 MB, compared to Dreamcast's 16 MB), while the DC has more VRAM (8 MB, compared to PS2's 4 MB), higher opaque fillrate, and more GPU hardware features, with CLX2 capabilities like tiled rendering, super-sample anti-aliasing, Dot3 normal mapping, order-independent transparency, and texture compression, which the PS2's GPU lacks.
Kaze MVG

"The concern was 16MB memory and relative small amount of vram that the dreamcast supports..."

Brate, dovoljno je minut da nadjes info da DC ima vise vrama.

Compared to the rival PlayStation 2, the Dreamcast is more effective at textures, anti-aliasing, and image quality, while the PS2 is more effective at polygon geometry, physics, particles, and lighting. The PS2 has a more powerful CPU geometry engine, higher translucent fillrate, and more main RAM (32 MB, compared to Dreamcast's 16 MB), while the DC has more VRAM (8 MB, compared to PS2's 4 MB), higher opaque fillrate, and more GPU hardware features, with CLX2 capabilities like tiled rendering, super-sample anti-aliasing, Dot3 normal mapping, order-independent transparency, and texture compression, which the PS2's GPU lacks.
Cudno mi je da su morali da downsample-uju teksture iako DC ima veci VRAM. Sve mi se cini da je MVG pricao da je DC bas ogranicen po pitanju neke memorije za video stvari.
Lagano tablet od 30e radi posao i za dreamcast :) 2x natv 720P ,odlično radi :D

Emulirao sam na android emulator u flaicast,probao sam i na retroarch u ali ne mogu nikako da ubacim dc romove u listu samo kao load room pa sam zato igrao ovde jer ne moram stalno podesavati sve posebno :)
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