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Xseries PC S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 : Heart of Chernobyl

To all our players,

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl will now be launching on November 20, 2024, moving from the previously planned date of September 5, 2024. We know you might be tired of waiting, and we truly appreciate your patience. These two additional months will give us the chance to fix more “unexpected anomalies” (or simply “bugs”, as you call them).

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is shaping up to be everything we envisioned, with the launch nearly here, and we are incredibly excited to share more with you. To give you a taste of what’s coming, we’re thrilled to announce the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Developer Deep Dive video, which will be released on Xbox media channels on August 12. This detailed update will include exclusive interviews, lots of new footage, and a full video walkthrough of one of the game quests. We can’t wait for you to see it and get a comprehensive understanding of how the game looks and plays.

We are always grateful for your ongoing support and understanding — it means the world to us. We’re just as eager as you are to finally release the game and for you to experience it for yourself.

With love and gratitude,


War Game: The Making of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is a story about the game development and about the people behind S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. It’s about the challenges we faced in continuing the development.

We are grateful to the Microsoft team for helping to create this film and sharing our story with the world.


Cemu se ovde radujes ? Sys reqs pogotovo ovi sa steam-a su smece u 99% slucaja :) Jedina stvar koja je tacna je koliko ti treba prostora na ssd.
Radujem se tome sto RTX 4080 i i7 13700K nisu stavljeni za recommended.
U prevodu, ~PS5 hardver je stavljen za recommended.

Ima nade da nece biti raspad!
Ali taj req moze biti za 1080p 30fps :D Ne vidim poentu tih groznih steam requirements-a.

A koliko dugo rade na igri uz siguran sam pumpanje love od M$ bilo bi sramota da bude raspad nebitno koliko su jadni muka imali oko rata and shit :D
Radujem se tome sto RTX 4080 i i7 13700K nisu stavljeni za recommended.
U prevodu, ~PS5 hardver je stavljen za recommended.

Ima nade da nece biti raspad!
Nađi mi igru na steamu koja traži tako nešto?
Sys req im je svima isti, ko da ga samo kopiraju.
Ali taj req moze biti za 1080p 30fps :D Ne vidim poentu tih groznih steam requirements-a.

A koliko dugo rade na igri uz siguran sam pumpanje love od M$ bilo bi sramota da bude raspad nebitno koliko su jadni muka imali oko rata and shit :D

Pa nije sigurno za native 4K Ultra HDR 120fps. Nebo je plavo.

Imas dve vrste sysreq, odvajkada. Jedni su smisleni (kao ovaj), a drugi skroz besmisleni (kada svako iole hardverski pismen uvidi nelogicnost izmedju recimo navedenog Intelovog procesora i AMD "pandana").

Nađi mi igru na steamu koja traži tako nešto?
Sys req im je svima isti, ko da ga samo kopiraju.

Karikiram covece. Sto se uzbudjujes bez veze...

Nije na Steamu svima isti, pogledaj bolje. ;)
Eno ti na primer za nedavni SH2 Remake i Wukonga i recimo Hellblade 2 (baidvej sve tri su UE5 igre)...pa Dragon's Dogma 2, Helldivers 2, itd...
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