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PS5 PlayStation 5 Console Info - hardver, os, softver, vesti

Ko postavi skalpersku cenu u oglase bi trebalo da dobije warn, za zaradu i slicno je KP, ovi nasi oglasi sluze valjda drugoj svrsi
Ko postavi skalpersku cenu u oglase bi trebalo da dobije warn, za zaradu i slicno je KP, ovi nasi oglasi sluze valjda drugoj svrsi
Ma ja se sprdam bre, ko je spominjao kacenje oglasa ovde. Dal sam nesto ikada u zivotu skalpirao...smirite strasti!?
Kakvih skalpera je bilo na pocetku PS5 karijere,ono je za zatvor bilo, a ovo ako se uhvati 50e po dzojpedu je neki max. Naravno da nece dati niko za ovaj dzojped 300-400e, kao sto za Astrobot dzoj traze po 150e pa eno stoji im oglas od kad je izasla igra
Ostavljam dva meni a ostalih tri,kad se proda.

U to ime da nazdravimo sa


PS5 Pro Is a ‘Full Package’ with ‘Exceptional Value’ for Players, Says Sony

Well, the technologies that I just mentioned that we are putting in to deliver new experiences for game players, and also not just the technological differences, but the SSD, the Wi-Fi 7, and the new technologies that surround the gameplay as well. So it's more of a full package that will give that exceptional value to the players... the most engaged players that we're targeting.

With the PS5 Pro, we are offering all these new tech innovations, and we added the two terabyte SSD, as well as the Wi-Fi 7. We believe as a full package that it offers for the most players. For the disc drive, it is an option for players. Not all players have discs, even though most players may...but we have the option for being able to add that for those players. So I think it's more of the balance of the value proposition that we're giving.

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Ovo je samo 1000 din skuplje od redovnog Dualsense Edge-a.
Da slave Astro-a koji je bacio malo svetla na čamotinju. Ajde da vidimo šta spremaju za iduću godinu, ako bude repriza ove, nek' slobodno okače PS brend o klin.
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