With a launch date less than a month away, not much has been reported about the PS Vita. Many consumers are still unaware of the device and it’s capabilities, even though it has already launched in Japan. Now, Sony’s latest handheld is available to play in all Gamestation and GAME store across the UK. Letting the general public get a hands on experience prior to launch may have been a wise move on Sony’s part, but will this be what is needed to finally stir up some emotion over the Vita?
With the amount of new technology and connectivity options coupled with a more impressive line of games in the future, the Vita has potential.
When comparing the Vita to the Nintendo 3DS, the Vita is far superior. For instance, the Vita has the option of cellular coverage, as reported late last year, while the 3DS is tied down to a WiFi connection. In addition, the Vita also has the ability to directly communicate with the PS3. When looking at all the technology inside the Vita, it is hard to see how the 3DS will compete. Is Nintendo still even considered the competition or have we shifted to comparing handheld gaming devices to the latest tablets? Personally, neither seem to be fair competition.
Nintendo has always seemed to generally target a younger audience with their exclusive games, whereas the Vita seems to hit them all. With major titles like Uncharted and Resistance, older gamers accustom to consoles will have no problem enjoying the experience, while games like Little Big Planet and Rayman Origins can appeal to a younger crowd. On top of that, the vast abilities of the Vita itself will keep any tech junky at bay.
Who is Sony really competing with here? It seems to me that the biggest competitor for Sony in the handheld market, is Sony themselves.
Sony doesn’t have the best record with pleasing the general audience. The fact that Sony has acknowledged this potential issue really goes the extra mile for me. Giving consumers the ability to physically try their product prior to purchasing may be that extra push to expose everyone to the potential of the device. One can only hope that they extend the offer over into North America prior to February 22.
In the coming month, I expect to see more forms of media coverage and publicity around the launch. Will these be what it takes to really drive up the figures at launch, because it seems like the tactic could only help? What more is needed for the Vita to succeed, or does the product speak for itself? One thing is for sure, it is due time Sony.