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PS5 PlayStation 5 Console Info - hardver, os, softver, vesti

State of Play Feb 2023

VR games, all in 2023
The Foglands
Green Hell
Journey to Foundation
Before Your Eyes

Destiny 2 Lightfall, launch trailer
Tchia, 21. mart
Humanity, PS5 + PSVR2, May 2023
goodbye Volcano High 15. jun
random Naruto igra
Baldurs Gate 3, 31. avgust
Wayfinder beta trailer
Street Fighter 6 - Zangief & Lily & Cammy
Resident Evil 4 Remake, Mercenaries

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, may26

Onako, nista posebno. Fin pogled na Baldurs Gate 3, nista nije iseceno iz RE4, Humanity izgleda zanimljivo, a Suicide Squad ce presuditi sudbinu Rocksteady-a. Za sad, tesko ce im ovo proci...

Mislim da bi Take Two bio velik zalogaj za Sony, MS ima mnogo više para pa im se može..
To je ostatak od visegodisnjeg budzeta za ceo Sony, tokom 2021. su bili najavili da ce potrositi ukupno $18 milijardi na sirenje firme. Nakupovali su se svega i svacega vec, evo ovde spiska od 2021 i nadalje.


16 June 2021Somethin' ElseMusic
Sony Music Entertainment[SUP][80][/SUP]
29 June 2021HousemarqueVideo game
Sony Interactive Entertainment[SUP][81][/SUP]
1 July 2021Nixxes SoftwareVideo game
Sony Interactive Entertainment[SUP][82][/SUP]
9 August 2021CrunchyrollFilm, television, video on demand
$1,175,000,000Sony Pictures Entertainment/Aniplex[SUP][83][/SUP][SUP][84][/SUP]
8 September 2021FirespriteVideo game
Sony Interactive Entertainment[SUP][85][/SUP]
29 September 2021Fabrik GamesVideo game
Sony Interactive Entertainment[SUP][85][/SUP]
30 September 2021Bluepoint GamesVideo game
Sony Interactive Entertainment[SUP][86][/SUP]
4 November 2021Som LivreMusic
$255,000,000Sony Music Entertainment[SUP][87][/SUP][SUP][88][/SUP]
1 December 2021Bad WolfTelevision
Sony Pictures Entertainment[SUP][89][/SUP]
10 December 2021Valkyrie EntertainmentVideo game
Sony Interactive Entertainment[SUP][90][/SUP]
20 January 2022Ultra RecordsMusic
Sony Music Entertainment[SUP][91][/SUP]
1 February 2022LasengleVideo game
3 March 2022Industrial MediaTelevision
$350,000,000Sony Pictures Entertainment[SUP][93][/SUP]
21 March 2022Haven StudiosVideo game
Sony Interactive Entertainment[SUP][94][/SUP]
15 July 2022BungieVideo game
$3,700,000,000Sony Interactive Entertainment[SUP][95][/SUP][SUP][96][/SUP]
18 July 2022Repeat.ggEsports
Sony Interactive Entertainment[SUP][97][/SUP]
4 August 2022Right StufFilm, television, e-commerce
Sony Pictures Entertainment/Aniplex[SUP][98][/SUP]
29 August 2022Savage Game StudiosVideo game
Sony Interactive Entertainment[SUP][99][/SUP]
25 October 2022PixomondoVisual effects
Sony Pictures Entertainment[SUP][100][/SUP]
7 November 2022Beyond SportsSoftware visualization
Sony Electronics[SUP][101][/SUP]

Pending Acquisitions
22 September 2021Zee Entertainment EnterprisesFilm, television, video on demand
$1,575,000,000Sony Pictures Entertainment[102]


23 June 2021Alamo RecordsmajorityMusic
18 October 2021ScopelyminorityVideo game
4 November 2021Devolver Digital5.03%Video game
9 November 2021Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing20%Semiconductor
19 January 2022Ceremony of RosesmajorityMerchandising
3 May 2022AccelByteminorityVideo game
31 August 2022From Software14.09%Video game
11 November 2022RapidusminoritySemiconductor

Mislim da bi Take Two bio velik zalogaj za Sony, MS ima mnogo više para pa im se može..
Kod tih velikih firmi svako ima dovoljno para za maltene bilo koju kupovinu ili merger, uvek mogu da pozajme ili da ponude deo svojih deonica umesto para.

A tesko da ce uzimati bilo kog 3rd party publishera. Izgleda da ce radije davati pare za pravljenje ekskluziva kao sto to rade kod Square-a i velikih FF igara.
"Major Complaint", kako je gizchina writer mogao samo da zivi sa PS5 konzolom sve ovo vreme....
Mali update o stanju Naughty Dog studija iz TLOU HBO Spoilercast gostovanja Neil Druckman-a na Kinda Funny Games kanalu

- The Last Of Us Online is their next one game to be released, lots of info "coming later in the year"
- Naughty Dog has restructured to be able to develop multiple games at the same time (be it new IPs, sequels or both).
- The studio now has a large team of producers, game directors and writers that allow them to be more organized.
- The next big thing after TLOU Online is already into development and although he acknowledges the fans request for a TLOU Part 3, the next project has already been chosen and it's something that the whole studio chose because it's something that will keep everyone excited for years to come.
- TLOU Online is the first TLOU project that he was "just" producing/overseeing, as he wasn't its main director or writer.
fanovi traže treći deo, ali nas boli uvo pa radimo nešto drugo što se nama sviđa, a i vama će jer mi smo ND, prc.
Ne mora da znaci, bas nista nije potvrdio. Samo je rekao da su krenuli da rade na necem novom.

Ogromne su sanse da rade na TLOU part3, da je to projekat za koji su "excited".

A nema sanse da ce lagano da potvrdi na cemu rade, odugovlacice sa najavom koliko mogu.
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