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PS5 PlayStation 5 Console Info - hardver, os, softver, vesti

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Pocinje test novog PS5 firmware-a, ima finih dodataka.

Game Capture Using Voice Command (Preview): U.S. and U.K. limited release

  • Voice Command now supports using your voice to save video clips of your gameplay.
    • Say "Hey PlayStation, capture that!" to save a video clip of your recent gameplay. The default duration saved is based on your settings.
    • You can also save a specific duration of your gameplay, from 15 seconds to 60 minutes. For example, to save 5 minutes, say "Hey PlayStation, capture the last 5 minutes".
    • Say "Hey PlayStation, start recording" to manually start a new gameplay recording. You can then say "Hey PlayStation, stop recording" to end the recording and save the video clip.
    • Voice Command (Preview) is currently available in English for beta participants with accounts registered to the U.S. and U.K.

Bila je glasina pre par nedelja da ce javna verzija ovog firmware-a takodje doneti PS5 hardver u streaming servere, ali nije poznato sta ce od igara biti dostupno.
Vidi ime kolekcije, to ce ti dati hint da li je pretplata potrebna. :D

iFixit kaze da DualSense Edge nema magnetne analogne stick-ove, ali ima magnetne senzore na L2/R2. Preko njih citaju poziciju kada im je smanjen hod.
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