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PS5 PlayStation 5 Console Info - hardver, os, softver, vesti

Na zalost ovo nisam samo ja igrao ponekad i klinac igra sa mog profila tako da mi je Fortnajt na cetvrtom mestu sa 53 sata igranja. Takodje mislim da su satnice malo preuvelicane Yakuzu Like a Dragon sam igrao ravno 70 sati ovde ptijavljuje 80 a prilicno sam siguran da nisam pauzirao ili ostavljao upaljenu igru. U svako slucaju opravdao sam reputaciju prve tri igre dva Jrpg-a i jedan zapadni Rpg Kingdoms of Amalur sa 71 satom igre.
Ma ima svoj profil sa psn plusom i svoju konzolu e sad sto neki put igra sa mog profila je misterija. Moracu da ga pitam.
kod mene isto japan izdominirao, top 4 najigranije igre (rpg Miyazaki x2)
a 5 ne smem da pomenem jer ce me banuju...iako to samo zena i deca igraju ofc;)
PlayStation vesti sa CES 2023 Sony prezentacije:

30 miliona prodatih PS5 konzola, Jimbo najavio da ce PS5 biti laksi za pronalazak u radnjama ove godine
Project Leonardo - specijalni PS5 kontroller za igrace ometene u razvoju ili povredjene koji ne mogu da koriste redovni DualSense
Facebook-ov Beat Saber se razvija za PSVR2 [post-launch igra].
30+ PSVR2 igara na launchu 22. februara
Gran Turismo movie teaser
GT7 ce biti launch igra za PSVR2!!!



Accessibility is an important topic to us at PlayStation, and we want to continue raising the bar to enable every gamer to experience the joy of play. Whether it's the robust accessibility options in PlayStation Studios games like Sony Santa Monica's God of War Ragnarök or Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Part I, or the wide array of features in our PS4 and PS5 console UI, we're passionate about reducing barriers to play for every gamer.

Today at CES, we announced the next step in our journey to make gaming more accessible: Project Leonardo for PlayStation 5. Developed with key contributions from accessibility experts, community members, and game developers, Project Leonardo is our codename for a new highly customizable controller kit that works "out of the box" to help many players with disabilities play games more easily, more comfortably, and for longer periods.

Through conversations with accessibility experts and incredible organizations like AbleGamers, SpecialEffect and Stack Up, we've designed a highly configurable controller that works in tandem with many third-party accessibility accessories and integrates with the PS5 console to open up new ways of gaming. It is built to address common challenges faced by many players with limited motor control, including difficulty holding a controller for long periods, accurately pressing small clusters of buttons or triggers, or positioning thumbs and fingers optimally on a standard controller.

Here are some of the key features:

Highly customizable play experience​

Hardware customizations. Project Leonardo for PS5 is a canvas for gamers to craft their own play experience. It includes a robust kit of swappable components, including a variety of analog stick caps and buttons in different shapes and sizes.

Players can use these components to craft a wide array of control layouts. And the distance of the analog stick from the game pad can be adjusted to suit the player's preference. These components allow players to find a configuration that works for their strength, range of motion, and particular physical needs.


Software customizations. On the PS5 console players have an array of options to tailor their Project Leonardo play experience:

  • Button mapping
    • The controller's buttons can be programmed to any supported function and multiple buttons can be mapped to the same function. Conversely, players can map two functions (like "R2" + "L2") onto the same button.
  • Control profiles
    • Players can store their programmed button settings as control profiles and easily switch between them by pressing the profile button.
    • Up to three control profiles can be stored and accessed by the player from their PS5 console at any time.

Works collaboratively with other devices and accessibility accessories​

Project Leonardo can be used as a standalone controller or paired with additional Project Leonardo or DualSense wireless controllers. Up to two Project Leonardo controllers and one DualSense wireless controller can be used together as a single virtual controller, allowing players to mix and match devices to fit their particular gameplay needs, or to play collaboratively with others.

For example, players can augment their DualSense controller with a Project Leonardo controller or use two Project Leonardo controllers on their own. A friend or family member can also assist by helping to control the player's game character with a DualSense controller or a second Project Leonardo controller. The controllers can be dynamically turned on or off and used in any combination.

Project Leonardo is expandable through four 3.5mm AUX ports to support a variety of external switches and third-party accessibility accessories. This enables users to integrate specialty switches, buttons or analog sticks with the Project Leonardo controller. The external accessories can be dynamically connected or disconnected, and each can be configured to act like any other button.

Flexible, adaptable design​

Project Leonardo's split, symmetric design allows players to reposition the analog sticks as close together or as far apart as they like. The controller lies flat and does not need to be held, so players can lay it on a tabletop or a wheelchair tray. It can be easily secured to AMPS mounts* or tripods, and can be oriented 360 degrees for the most comfortable use. Players can also program the "north" orientation on the analog sticks to match their preferred controller orientation.
Pih i ja sam mislio da ga držim vertikalno kao PS2 kad su propagirali da se uspravi
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