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Paranormal Activity (UFO,Reptilijanci,Bitcoin,Crni Papa,Seoski fudbal, Hiromantija i RTX 4090 nabavka)

Ovaj lik i translator san najjače stvari iz te generacije.
If they came here, something had to fly.

But, I want you to think about this...

Something with the capabilities of traveling light years, not showing a heat signature, the energy capabilities of that, that would put the Pentagon out of business. We wouldn't be fighting these worthless wars overseas, over oil, and American boys and girls wouldn't be dying. It would put the war pigs out of business and they'd have to go somewhere else and I'm all for that.

— Rep. Tim Burchett

Mislim da treba da se zakaže neko saslušanje u Kongresu ovih naučnika - da vidimo pod zakletvom da li će da tvrde isto.
Ja jedva čekam izjavu neku njegovu, kada dođe do naših medija ovo saslušanje i sve ovo oko UAP, kada mu njegovi predlože da ga neko pita iz publike za komentar - jedva čekam da vidim tu reakciju i šta će da kaže, kao vrhunski stručnjak u oblasti :D Nadam se da će postati dovoljno popularno da ga njegov PR tim posavetuje da kaže nešto o tome :D
Izgleda je par Aliena sletilo i u Koreju :D

U vezi sa ovim,

Ovaj lik pokušava da rekreira

ima twitch, a bice i youtube uskoro... Dosta ljudi ga prati

A ovaj thread je isto dobar kao summary za sad:
Iako bi rezultati bili odlicni za nase moderno drustvo koje se napaja strujom, ja se ipak zalazem da se ne prosiruje masovna upotreba OLOVA.

Samo 0% prisustva tog elementa je bezbedno za zdravlje.
Ništa od superprovodnika na sobnoj temperaturi u skorije vreme

"The conclusion dashes hopes that LK-99 — a compound of copper, lead, phosphorus and oxygen — marked the discovery of the first superconductor that works at room temperature and ambient pressure. Instead, studies have shown that impurities in the material — in particular, copper sulfide — were responsible for the sharp drops in electrical resistivity and partial levitation over a magnet, which looked similar to properties exhibited by superconductors."

Prebacitjemo u normalnu NLO temu ako bude potrebe. Da li je neko vishe ispratio ono danas iz Meksika?

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