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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

How low can it go?
Sta bi tek bilo da nisu imali Starfield pocetkom septembra?

Makar sam za ovaj mesec mislio da ce Xbox imati skok sa hardverom...
UK Charts - Week 42, 2023

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - 116.000 units (NEW)
Super Mario Bros Wonder - 80.000 units (NEW)
EA FC 24 - 24.000 / 309.000 (-53%)
Sonic Superstars - 7.400+ / (NEW)

Biggest launch of 2023 (UK retail)

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - 208.000 units
EA FC 24 - 154.000 units
Hogwarts Legacy - 135.000 units
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - 116.000 units
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - 80.000 units

EA Sports FC 24 UK stats:

Week 1 - 154.000 / NEW
PS5 - 81.620 | 53% of sales for the week
XBO / XSX|S - 30.800 | 20%
PS4 - 26.180 | 17%
NSW - 13.860 | 9%

Week 2 - 80.080 / 234.080 (-48% WoW)
PS5 - 49.650 / 131.270 (-39,17%) | 62% of sales for the week
PS4 + XBO / XSX|S - 24.824 / 81.807 (-56,43%) | 31%
NSW - 5.606 / 19.466 (-59,55%) | 7%

Week 3 - 51.251 / 285.331 (-36% WoW)
NSW - 3.588 / 23.053 (-36%) | 7% of sales

Week 4 - 24.088 / 309.419 (-53% WoW)
PS5 - 12.285 | 51% of sales for the week
PS4 - 5.058 | 21% of sales
XBO / XSX|S - 3.613 | 15% of sales
NSW - 3.131 / 26.184 (-12,77%) | 13% of sales for the week; 8,46% of sales in the first four weeks
Last edited:
PlayStation-ov Eric Lampel odradio rundu intervjua, najbitnije sto je rekao da je PS5 na putu da se ove godine proda u 25 miliona kopija [ovo je skoro pola od brojke za koju MS misli da ce se Series X/S prodati u celoj generaciji] . Ovo ce biti prva praznicna sezona a da sva trzista imaju dobar stock PS5 konzola.

Sto se pritiska MS+Acti spajanja tice, kaze da je Sony nedavno kupio jako puno studija za PlayStation i da ce u buducnosti nastaviti da prave velike saradnje sa eksternim timovima.

U Francuskoj je ove godine odnos prodaje PS5/Series konzola 90/10.

The year 2023 is particularly catastrophic for Microsoft in terms of console sales. We previously mentioned the ratio of 80% / 20% for PlayStation and Xbox sales in Europe. But it gets worse: in 2023, in France, we are getting closer to a 90% / 10% ratio. That the Xbox Series shows a severe drop in its European sales in September 2023 compared to September 2022, despite improved supplies, the release of Starfield, and while PS5 sales explode, says a lot about the situation.

Dodatan info iz clanka:

-Minecraft Dungeons was supposed to be Xbox/PC only but Microsoft ultimately ruled against it because Minecraft sells twice as much on PlayStation compared to Xbox and it sells twice as much on Switch compared to PlayStation

-In 2021, Microsoft sold almost as many games on Switch and PlayStation as they did on Xbox.

-Less than 1% of Xbox users use Xcloud.

-Prey (2017) sold 10 times more copies than Redfall in 2023 alone (at least in Europe).
Nintendo FY3/2024 Q2 report:

Nintendo Switch - 132.46M
April-Jun 3.91M +13.99%YoY
Jul-Sept 2.93M -9.85% YoY
FY3/2024 Forecast - 15M

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - 19.50M
Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch

Hardware: 132.46 million units
Software: 1.133.23 million units

  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 57.01M (+1.55M)
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 43.38M (+590K)
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - 32.44M (+670K)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 31.15M (+500K)
  • Super Mario Odyssey - 26.95M (+510K)
  • Pokémon Sword and Shield - 26.02M (+100K)
  • Pokémon Scarlet and Violet - 23.23M (+570K)
  • Super Mario Party - 19.66M (+270K)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - 19.50M (+990K)
  • New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe - 16.70M (+530K)
  • Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury - 12.58M (+1.2M since March 2023)
  • Nintendo Switch Sports - 10.77M (+1.17M since March 2023)
  • Pikmin 4 - 2.61M,
Imati ovakve prodajne brojke u svojoj 7. godini na tržištu je veoma impresivno.
Inače, ko je mogao da pomisli da će naslednik Wii U-a da se proda 10x bolje. :ROFLMAO:
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