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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

Zasluzen uspeh, odlicna igra. Pre godinu dana je W3 brojka bila 30+. Fino se prodaje, sigurno je Netflix show boostovao vidljivost igre.

Nextgen port ce da gurne jos jedan talas prodaje. Jeste da svako ko ima PC/PS4/Xbone verziju dobija free upgrade, ali sigurno ce biti i potpuno novih igraca koji ce kupiti RT verziju.

Crystal pravi nastavak na Tomb Raider [Lara izasla iz svoje ultra-nasilne "origin" trilogije u ko zna kakav novi krvav period avanturisanja], a Eidos Montreal novi Deus Ex. Oboje predjose na Unreal 5.

Mislim da su velike sanse da ce Deus Ex biti reboot, povratak do JC Dentona ili neki prequel koji je smesten bas tik pre pocetka stare igre. Svakako mislim da je sansa da se Adam Jensen vrati minimalna.
Kažu sada da Eidos ništa nije potvrdio za Deus Ex, Shacknews sjebao vest.
Retardi slusali conference call, i culi kako dev prica o istoriji studija, kako su tada mislili "deus ex is our new game, new team, new engine!"

Razlog prodaje:

https://www.hd.square-enix.com/eng/news/pdf/20220502 A_Press Release_fin.pdf

"The Transaction will assist the Company in adapting to the changes underway in the global business environment by establishing a more efficient allocation of resources, which will enhance corporate value by accelerating growth in the Company's core businesses in the digital entertainment domain. In addition, the Transaction enables the launch of new businesses by moving forward with investments in fields including blockchain, AI, and the cloud. The move is based on the policy of business structure optimization that the Company set forth under the medium-term business strategy unveiled on May 13, 2021.

The Transaction will also provide an opportunity to better align our overseas publishing function with our organization in Tokyo, revisit the current governance structure and associated reporting lines, and advance integrated group management with the goal of maximizing the worldwide revenue generated from future titles launched by the group's studios in Japan and abroad.

Going forward, the Company's development function will comprise its studios in Japan, Square Enix External Studios, and Square Enix Collective. The Company's overseas studios will continue to publish franchises such as JUST CAUSE, OUTRIDERS, and Life is Strange."

Lot of investor speak in there, but...
  • New investment in blockchain, AI and the cloud. This matches what their CEO was talking about last year unfortunately.
  • Maximize revenue. It's well known SE threw the above studios under a bus whenever sales reports came up.
  • Double down on its Japanese studios, though Square-Enix Limited (Europe) will be retained.
Financial reports for both companies are also included. Eidos didn't seem to be doing well over the last 2 years based on a collapse in Net Income from 2019 to 2021.
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