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NPD October 2021

Switch was the best-selling hardware platform of October in both units and dollars, aided by the launch of the Nintendo Switch - OLED Model. PlayStation 5 remains the best-selling hardware platform of 2021 year-to-date in dollars, while Nintendo Switch leads in units.
“After 12 months in market, combined units of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series are flat when compared to the same number of months for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One,” said Piscatella. From GamesBeat https://venturebeat.com/2021/11/12/october-2021-npd-switch-oled/

Far Cry 6 debuted as October's best-selling game, instantly becoming the 8th best-selling game of 2021 to date. Far Cry 6 ranked 1st on both PlayStation and Xbox platforms in October.
Back 4 Blood was October's #2 best-selling game, also ranking 2nd on both PlayStation and Xbox platforms.
Metroid: Dread debuted as October's #3 best-selling game, while also ranking 1st on Switch. Metroid: Dread achieved the highest launch month sales of any Metroid franchise release in tracked history. Launch month physical dollar sales of Metroid: Dread nearly doubled those of the previous franchise best, Metroid: Prime.


-Switch: 711,000 October (OLED: 314,000, Others: 397,000)
-Metroid Dread: 854,000
"Luigi's Mansion 3 has officially sold over 10 million units worldwide. It was revealed by Nintendo during recent Nintendo's Investor Presentation. The last known sales figure for LM3 was at 9.59M by the end of March 2021 then the game managed to move 0.7M units of software for the next 6 months, which put the current LM3 sales figure at 10.29 million units sold at the end of September."
10.29M po MSRP-u od $60, svaka čast.

Embracer Group expects to acquire another 37 or so studios in the next 12 months

“In the past 12 months, we have made 37 acquisitions and expect to do a similar amount of transactions over the coming 12 months,” reads the report. “We currently have a large range of active processes and dialogues, including a good number of signed exclusive term sheets.”
According to Adobe’s Digital Economy Index data (first highlighted by Business Insider), the cheaper Series S outside both PS5, Switch OLED Model and the more expensive Xbox Series X during the biggest holiday sale day of the year.

Adobe claims its data comes from analysing 1 trillion visits to retail sites, in addition to surveying over 1,000 retailers on their most popular items.

Ove godine nije bilo popusta za konzole, tako da ne cudi da je najjeftinija konzola prosla dobro.
Pogledaj shipment brojke od Sonija. PS4 maltene i ne prave vise...
Kad nisu uspjeli napraviti $199 'push' barem za jednu godinu/sezonu, i bolje da prestanu s proizvodnjom.
Sad bi verovatno voleli da jesu s obzirom kako im ide next gen tranzicija.
Otprilike mi deluje kao bolji upgrade da kupim PS4 Pro nego PS5 trenutno.
Mislim da nije toliko do mogućnosti koliko do želje. Poslednje dve godine rade na tome da se stvori percepcija da je Playstation premium brend, prosto ne žele da stvore očekivanje kod kupca da može da dočeka PS konzolu ispod 250-300 evra/dolara. Dodaj na to što su više puta rekli da žele da se ljudi brzo prebace na next-gen, i to je to. Nestašica čipova je takođe poremetila stvari.
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