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Izveštaji prodaje u igračkoj industriji (prodaja igara i konzola, finansijski izveštaji, berza, akvizicije, etc.)

Nintendo FY3/2022 Q1

| Nintendo Co., Ltd.| Net Sales | Operating Income | Net Profit |
| 1st Quarter | ¥322,647M | ¥119,752M | ¥92,747M ($840m) |
| FY3/22 Forecast | ¥1,600,000M | ¥500,000M | ¥340,000M |

| Switch (units) | Switch | Switch Lite | Hardware Total|Software Total|
| 1st Quarter | 3.31M | 1.14M | 4.45M | 45.29M |
| Life-To-Date | 69.89M | 14.7M | 89.04M | 632.40M |
| FY3/22 Forecast | | 25.5M | 190.0M |

Switch Hardware sales by calendar year:

-2017: 14.87m
-2018: 17.4m
-2019: 20.21m
-2020: 27.39m
-2021: 9.17m(1st half)

LTD: 89.04m

Switch bi na kraju godine trebao da prođe Wii i PS1 po prodaji



Sales numbers as of June 30, 2021 (+sales in the last quarter):
  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 37.08M (+1.69M)
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 33.89M (+1.26M)
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - 24.77M (+930K)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 23.20M (+920K)
  • Pokémon Sword/Shield - 21.85M (+750K)
  • Super Mario Odyssey - 21.40M (+579K)
  • Super Mario Party - 15.72M (+930K)
  • Pokémon: Let's Go! - 13.57M (+290K)
  • Splatoon 2 - 12.45M (+240K)
  • Ring Fit Adventure - 11.26M (+1.15M)
  • Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury - 6.68M (+1.09M)
  • New Pokémon Snap - 2.07M (not including sales in Japan)
  • Mario Golf: Super Rush - 1.34M
  • Miitopia - 1.04M

Sa prodajom u julu MK8D je već prošao MK Wii



Nintendo je stigao do 800m prodatih jedinica hardvera

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Switch ce tek da eksplodira sa prodajom kad izadje Oled. Jos da se malo aktiviraju sa igrama ne bi ni PS2 bio nedodirljiv.
Nek' otvore novčanik Rockstaru za GTA5 port. Kad se sjetim bajki i priča "GTA5 stiže na WiiU". Good times.
Jel to istina. Baš ništa nisam ispratio od vesti za wii tada sem lanča, nekako je nestao brže nego Drimkast u mojoj svesti

Uh kako editujem ko zmaj
Capcom je updateovao njihovu listu prodaje. DMC 5 je odlično prošao, serijal ima budućnost 😊

Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter World - 17.3M (+200K)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne - 8.2M (+500K)
Monster Hunter Rise - 7.3M (+2.5M)

Resident Evil
Resident Evil VII - 9.8M (+800K)
Resident Evil 2 Remake - 8.6M (+500K)
Resident Evil 5 - 7.9M (+100K)
Resident Evil 6 - 7.9M (+100K)
*New* Resident Evil Village - 4.5 M
Resident Evil 3 - 4.4M (+400K)
Resident Evil HD - 3.1M (+100K)
Resident Evil 0 HD - 3M (+100K)
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - 2.8M (+100K)
Resident Evil 4 HD [PS4/X1] - 2.3M (+100K)
Resident Evil 5 [PS4/X1] - 2.2M (+100K)
Resident Evil 4 UHD - 1.6M (+200K)
*New* Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 [Switch] - 1M

Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry 5 - 4.5M (+200K)
Devil May Cry 4: SE - 1.7M (+100K)
DmC: Definitive Edition - 1.2M (+100K)

Capcom Fighters
Street Fighter V - 5.8M (+300K)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection - 1.9M (+100K)
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 [PS4/X1] - 1.2M (+100K)

Dragon's Dogma [PC] - 2.1M (+100K)
Lost Planet 2 - 2.1M (+100K)
Okami HD - 1.7M (+100K)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - 1.2M (+100K)
Dead Rising [PS4/X1/PC] - 1.2M (+100K)
Megaman 11 - 1.4M (+100K)

Franchise Sale Updates
Dragons Dogma - 5.9M (+200K)
Okami - 3.5M (+100K)
Monster Hunter - 75M (+3M)
Ace Attorney - 8.2M (+100K)
Devil May Cry - 24M (+1M)
Marvel Vs. Capcom - 10M (+100K)
Resident Evil - 117M (+7M)
Megaman - 37M (+1M)
Ona glupost od Monster Hunter-a se tako dobro prodaje, ne mogu da verujem, ko to igra...
Da imam drugare koje bi to igrali, igrao bih. Igrao sam neku verziju na PSP i mnogo mi se dopala igra. No, mogu da razumem zbog chega nekome deluje kao glupost (ume biti poprilichno grindy).
U Aziji turiraju Monster H koliko sam razumeo, oni vole tako miks Čudovišta

Da se ne ljute fanovi franš. Verujem da je svuda popularno al kapiram da je tamo zakon...
Lepo, ne znam da li ću ikada igrati ali mi se sviđa dizajn igre.
Today during a Japanese Ace Combat 25th anniversary livestream, series producer Kazutoki Kono announced Ace Combat 7 has surpassed 3 million in sales and the next major entry in the series is already in production. The new Ace Combat will be made in collaboration with ILCA, a Japanese support studio that’s worked on everything from the Yakuza series to Code Vein to the upcoming Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (thanks to Gematsu for the following translation).

PlayStation 5 exclusives dominated the UK boxed charts this week, taking the first, second and third spot.

The best selling-game of the week was Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut. The updated and upgraded version of last year's hit action game also saw a re-release on PS4, but 91% of sales were for the PS5 version.
This was followed very closely by Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. The PS5 exclusive rose eight places thanks to a 105% increase in sales week-on-week.

Third spot belongs to a game from the same developer as Ratchet & Clank -- Spider-Man: Miles Morales -- which saw a 92% sales spike, taking the game to No.3.
Voleo bih da za sve igre samo 9% prodaje bude na PS4 da prekinu ranije sa crossgenom.
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