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Hardware General (vesti/konferencije/glasine)

Koristimo papuce u kuci :)
Zasto kada skinem nesto sa torent leacha i stavim da se seeduje ima 00 uploada,nece nista da uploaduje tj seeduje?Koristim bittorent najnoviju verziju.
Možda jer niko ne skida fajlove od tebe?
Jel ti radi upload za druge torente?

Sent from my Redmi Note 9 Pro using Tapatalk
Odlicna vest, opet cene dole. Mada i ko je uzeo cpu u poslednje dve godine, jos nije docekao graficku.

Sent from my MI 11i using Tapatalk
Taj $200 GPU ce da kosta 500e kod nas. ~_~

5800X3D zvuci super [pogotovo za one koji imaju AM4 plocu a hoce da urade upgrade] videcemo koliko nadmasuje gen12 intela za par meseci, mada prava stvar ce biti Zen4 u drugoj polovini godine.
Manja cena nije potvrdjena, ne zaboravi da je 48" bio skuplji od 55" modela jer su ga sekli od glass substrate-a gde su primarno sekli vece [65/77"] oled panele.

Anyhow, Nvidija je potvrdila 4 desktop graficke:

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 12 GB Graphics Card​

For the GeForce RTX 3080 12 GB, NVIDIA has enabled a total of 70 SM units which results in a total of 8960 CUDA cores, a 3% increase over the standard RTX 3080. In addition to the CUDA cores, NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 3080 also comes packed with next-generation RT (Ray-Tracing) cores, Tensor cores, and brand new SM or streaming multi-processor units. The card is suggested to have a TDP of 350W.
In terms of memory, the updated GeForce RTX 3080 comes packed with 12 GB of memory and that too is the next-generation GDDR6X design. With Micron's latest and greatest graphics memory dies, the RTX 3080 can deliver GDDR6X memory speeds of 19.0 Gbps. That along with a bus interface of 384-bit will deliver a cumulative bandwidth of 912 GB/s or a 20% increase over the 10 GB variant.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 16 GB Graphics Card​

NVIDIA has also upgraded the RTX 3070 Ti to utilize more memory at a higher efficiency than the current RTX 3080 series. It would not be surprising since the GeForce RTX 3060 offers double the VRAM capacity but the rest of the specifications will remain the same. The card will be outfitted with the latest 21 Gbps GDDR6X modules across a 256-bit that will offer 672 GB/s of bandwidth, a 10% increase over the 8 GB variant. This will offer improved performance at high-resolution games and titles that utilize high-resolution textures.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 8 GB Graphics Card​

Just like the GeForce RTX 3060, the GeForce RTX 3050 Ti will also be featuring the GA106 GPU but a cut-down configuration. The card will feature 20 SM units and 2560 CUDA cores with a TGP of 130 Watts. The entry-level graphics card will also rock 8 GB of GDDR6 memory clocked at 14 Gbps and will be running across a 128-bit wide bus interface for a total of 224 GB/s bandwidth. The graphics card will be priced at $249 US and will launch in several custom flavors on 27th January.



i naravno 3090Ti [bez detalja].
Odlicno zvuci ta RTX 3050 za 250 dolara, ali kao sto rece kod nas ce biti 500e, mada realno ne verujem ni u svetu da ce se igde prodavati za 250 dolara, vec u startu vidim da ce biti oko 400 dolara... nema naznake da ce rudarenje u iole skorije vreme stati (ehterium jeste blizu kraja, ali zajahace neka nova kriptovaluta kao i uvek, toga ce uvek biti, jer ce uvek biti gomile ljudi za grafickim koje mogu da rudare, taj "potencijal" ce uvek biti prisutan), a i za chipove kazu da ne ocekuju da ce se stabilizovati tokom cele 2022-ge, tek kasnije, tako da nema leba... ali svakako lepo sto prave "jeftine" graficke i nvidia i intel, pa makar ih uzeli za 500 evra, jer bar i dalje nase polovne graficke vrede vise nego sto je realno, pa bar malo da se popuni taj gap, ali bedak svakako (za ovu situaciju koja se msm nece nikad zavrsiti, bar ne na duzi vremenski period)...
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