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Hardware General (vesti/konferencije/glasine)


「The darkness dominator: Red Devil」
With its restless desire to rule the universe but no wish to see any light,
Devil 13, the ruler of the underworld created a new Devil to rise from the underworld and master all creatures.
Red Devil as he was named,
known to be the only Devil besides his creator to master all elements of the Pentagon;
Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Void,
it’s presence was feared by all corners of the new world.
Ever since, no one dared to challenge Devil’s true gaming empire

— PowerColor

:eek: :eek: :eek: :ROFLMAO:

The gates are open!
Gate 1
Darkness the world of demons Look aroud you they're everywhere
Gate 2
My guards are watching you
Gate 3
Only evil lives here
Gate 4
There's no way out
Gate 5
Feel the fire
Gate 6
Pick up your weapons and fight

Fight Fight

And dance with the devil
Bice ovo verovatno i official cena posle praznika. Taman da utabaju teren da ulete sa full price 3D procesorima iduce godine.
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