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General Retro and Emulation tema (Vesti, saveti, kupovina,)

Posle apsolutno fenomenalnog SNK vs CAPCOM sa NeoGeoPocketColor sprajtovima od istih ljudi nam stiže i Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo ovog puta sa sprajtovima koji pokušavaju da liče na one sa automata



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Nije skroz novo al je svakako zanimljivo. Tetris za ne baš PC XT kompatibilni naše gore list Tim011


Za rad je potrebno da svaki frejm bude prikazan 4 puta, zato traze 240hz panel za 60fps content.
Ne mora 240, samo bolje izgleda tako:

It works at anything at least 2:1 native:simulated Hz, just the motion blur blur reduction is throttled by low ratio.
120Hz 0ms GtG = Up to 50% blur reduction for 60fps
240Hz 0ms GtG = Up to 75% blur reduction for 60fps
480Hz 0ms GtG = Up to 83% blur reduction for 60fps
"'Prelude to Darkness,' the very ambitious RPG from 2002, has been restored to its intended glory! The original authors open-sourced the code, and two guys ported the game to modern OSes and fixed many issues. Try it.

Here's what the CRPG book has to say about it:

For a zip with an exe, foolproof Windows package with all the data:
For the source code, 64bit and Linux builds:


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