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PS5 Xseries Switch PC General Multiplatform tema (trejleri/vesti/glasine)

Grafika mi deluje previše realistično za Sonic igru.
Grafika je najmanji problem, mislim da ovaj stil čak i nije loš za Sonica, ali je ista stvar viđena milion puta, samo sad kvalitetnije izgleda.
Search ne radi za te kratke pojmove, probaj i sam... nece ni far cry, ni far cry 6...
Pokusacemo da sredimo search, problem prave pretrage reci koje sadrze tri slova primer ''far cry'' ili ''god of war'' itd...
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Ja stvarno ne znam ko je birao ovu muziku i ove borbe deluju tako naporno, pogotovo za sonic igru.

ESA confirms E3 isn't dead, will return in 2023

"We're excited about coming back in 2023 with both a digital and an in-person event," ESA president and CEO Stan Pierre-Louis told The Washington Post in an interview. "As much as we love these digital events, and as much as they reach people and we want that global reach, we also know that there's a really strong desire for people to convene - to be able to connect in person and see each other and talk about what makes games great."
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