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PS5 Xseries Switch PC General Multiplatform tema (trejleri/vesti/glasine)

Konačno neka nova vehicular combat igra u najavi i to ni manje ni više nego rezurekcija Fatal Run-a, koji je izašao davne 1990-e za Atari 2600 i 7800.

Na foru Karmagedon? To bi moglo biti odlichno. Muzika kvalitetno lozhachki papri.
(ako igra ne koristi Denuvo, nema sta da se razbije, vec se samo doda Steam "emulator" sto moze da uradi prakticno svako od nas ovde)
Mozemo da odahnemo, bice moderne kontrole za Croca.

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos is a platformer video game developed and published by Argonaut Games. It is a remastered version of the 1997-released game of the same name.


Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, Argonaut’s 1997 multi-million-selling hit, features Croc, a lovable crocodile who embarks on a quest to rescue the Gobbos from the clutches of the evil Baron Dante. The game’s charm and creativity made it an instant classic, and the remaster promises to bring the beloved game to a new generation of gamers with enhanced high-definition graphics, updated modern control mechanics, and a nostalgic, fun, and authentic gameplay experience that will be sure to ignite the imagination of players and remind them why they fell in love with video games in the first place.

Additionally, retro-gaming fans will be excited to learn that the remaster includes the Crocipedia, an extensive and meticulously curated digital museum containing long-lost development assets such as game design documents, concept art, animation tests, team member interviews, and much more.
Additionally, retro-gaming fans will be excited to learn that the remaster includes the Crocipedia, an extensive and meticulously curated digital museum containing long-lost development assets such as game design documents, concept art, animation tests, team member interviews, and much more.
E, to je bash kul. Od uvek sam voleo videti to u igrama
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos sam bas dosta igrao na PS1, ali apsolutno nikad nisam mislio da ce ikad da se vrati u prodaju. :D
Ajd stavicu ovde jer ne vidim da imamo thread za random PC-only igre.

:D A ovaj gem [kojem samo fali mod sa starom domacom muzikom] verovatno nikada nece dobiti port van PC platforme.

Zašto ovo nema VR podršku :D
Samo da su dodali skip dialog/cutscene barem za ponovne prelaske. To mi je ludacki da nisu jos uvek dodali. Obozavam njihove igre, al brate nemogu da kada jurim stvari sto jos nisam video da slusam/gledam sve ponovo :D
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