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PS5 Xseries Switch PC General Multiplatform tema (trejleri/vesti/glasine)

Posto nemamo tread za igru, evo zadnjeg trejlera za Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, snimljeno direkt sa PS5-a. Stabilnih 60fps sa sve aktivnim RT GI osvetljenjem.

Digital Foundry je upravo jako pohvalio tehnicki sastav igre, dobar framerate, rezolucija izmedju 1080p i 1440p, jedva cekaju da vide kako ce Snowdrop izgledati u finalnoj verziji igre. Kazu vec sada predvidjaju da ce igra verovatno upasti u njihov top3 graphics ranking ove godine.
Pa da, kao sto napisah na PS5 temi, odusevljava me kolko dobro izgleda, nisam znao da je Snowdrop engine, zaista rastura, mada Ubisoft je to, downgrade je samo pitanje vremena :D

ali ajde da se nadamo da se to ovaj put nece desiti
Sa jednom malecnom razlikom sto oni naplacuju sve te dodatke za DL 1/2 ;)

Ne kontam kako opstaju bez dodatnog prihoda od DLC-a, al eto autori NMS kazu da se moze ziveti samo od prodaje igre i moze se godinama isporucivati content.

Najgore je sto masa drugih developer-a nije ispratila ovaj nacin popravljanja svojih rushed naslova :/ I dalje dobijamo igre koje su sve samo ne zavrsene, al tako masa i njih ostane.
A i razlika je da bi ovi isto to radili da nisu toliko usrali igru na launch-u da im je trebalo par godina da je poprave i pokusaju da vrate ili pridobiju igrace.
Sve u svemu ne možeš porediti RPG Starfield sa NMS Space Exploration igrom iako isto izgledaju razlika nebo i zemlja

"Myths is pitched as cross-platform action RPG that facilitates 'endless gameplay' thanks to the use of an AI-powered game engine that 'tailors gameplay activities and the proprietary Mythological theme IP to match the preferences of each individual player.'

Spectarium was established almost a decade ago and has amassed a team of developers with experience working at major studios like EA, Epic Games, Riot Games, and Square Enix."
Danas je zadnji dan kada se Marvels Avengers moze kupiti u slobodnoj prodaji, posle 19h ce igra biti sklonjena iz svih digitalnih radnji.

Odavno je na popustu, za 4€ se dobija Definitive Edition sa svim contentom koji je zasao. Multiplayer ce ostati aktivan, kao i rotacija in-game aktivnosti.

Hey there, Avengers!

As we’ve previously announced, official support for Marvel’s Avengers: Definitive Edition is ending on Sept. 30, 2023, and the game will no longer be purchasable on Steam. However, we wanted to reassure you that while the game will no longer be for sale, the game will remain playable for owners largely as it is today.

To be specific on what is and isn’t changing on Sept. 30, 2023:
  • All currently available content will continue to be available as-is for solo and multiplayer play after Sept. 30, 2023.
  • If you own the game, it will remain in your game library for download and reinstallation after Sept. 30, 2023.
  • Limited-Time Events like the Red Room Takeover will continue to run after Sept. 30, 2023. These events will run in a two-week rotation. Reoccurring mission chains, events, and rewards will continue to refresh on the cadences they always have.
  • Customer support will no longer be available after Sept. 30, 2023.
  • All Operations and the War for Wakanda Expansion will continue to be playable as they are now.

Thank you to all our players for joining us on these adventures and letting us tell our stories with Kamala, Bruce, Tony, Steve, Nat, Thor, Clint, Kate, T'Challa, Pete, Jane, and Bucky. For anyone who hasn’t joined us yet, we hope you jump on this final chance to join Earth’s Mightiest Heroes alongside your friends.

Remember: good isn’t a thing you are; it’s a thing you do.

- The Marvel's Avengers Dev Team!
To je sam Remedy javio pre godinu i po dana cim su najavili da rade na igri.
To je sam Remedy javio pre godinu i po dana cim su najavili da rade na igri.
Sta da ti kazem, Google News :D
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