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PS5 Xseries PC Diablo IV


Lol ne dolazi igra uz ovo :D Kakvi sabani.
Jebo ih Blizzgear store ladno ce collectors moci samo preko njega da se nabavi mehcina :S

Diablo IV will Have “Frequent” Expansions, Free Seasons, and Paid Battle Passes

“The launch of Diablo 4 is just the beginning. The team that's building Diablo 4 is going to be moving from building Diablo 4 to working on the live service, and working on our expansions for the game. We're going to [release] frequent expansions which have new stories, new quests, new classes - those kinds of things; and our live service, which will feature seasons every three months that include major new seasonal features on a much grander scale than we've seen in things like Diablo 3, because again, all the people building the game are going to be working on seasons, working on expansions. And yes, it will feature a season pass that will serve as a companion to each season and its seasonal features.

The Season Pass is a companion to the season itself. […] All of the seasonal features and seasonal experience that you'll get is completely free, and everyone who's playing, who has Diablo 4, will get access to that. The season pass is on top of that and it gives access to additional cosmetics and other cool stuff that you can get. But it's absolutely not [required] - you don't have to buy it to participate in seasons.”
prejadan in-game sinematik. sramota me da gledam... pogotovo kad se setim dve godine starog poe2 trailera.
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