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PS5 Xseries PS4 XONE PC Cyberpunk 2077 & Phantom Liberty

CD Projekt has confirmed that it has decided to work on just one major expansion for Cyberpunk 2077, but they are fully committed to continuing developing the Cyberpunk IP further beyond said expansion. This will include “new stories, new experiences, and new content” not limited to the video game format.

The developers believe they have “a great expansion in their hands and they have really ambitious goals” for it. It’s gonna be “pretty sizable” and the price is going to be appropriate to the content offered.
The developers believe they have “a great expansion in their hands and they have really ambitious goals” for it. It’s gonna be “pretty sizable” and the price is going to be appropriate to the content offered.
Spojice obe expanzije (kracu i onu vecu) u jedan projekat sto je skroz legit. Mene zanima sta se desava sa njihovim timom iz Kanade koji razvija multiplayer za CP2077 vec neko duze vreme.
Cyberpunk 2077 Beats Elden Ring As Most Played Single-Player Game On Steam

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