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PS4 Bloodborne

Ako nista drugo, njegova podrska "novom hardveru" skoro sigurno govori da cekanje za "60fps patch" za PS4 verziju igre je uzaludno. Nece dirati originalnu verziju igre.
"I know for a fact these guys want a Bloodborne PC port," Miyazaki said, referring to FromSoftware producer Yasuhiro Kitao and interpreter Bobby Simpson seated at the conference table near him. "If I say I want one, I'll get in trouble as well. But it's nothing I'm opposed to."

I thought that would be the end of the topic, but Miyazaki went on to elaborate on his answer.

"Obviously, as one of the creators of Bloodborne, my personal, pure honest opinion is I'd love more players to be able to enjoy it. Especially as a game that is now coming of age, one of those games of the past that gets lost on older hardware—I think any game like that, it'd be nice to have an opportunity for more players to be able to experience that and relive this relic of the past. So as far as I'm concerned, that's definitely not something I'd be opposed to."

Ne znam kako ljudi nikako da odustanu, proslo je 9 godina. Nece biti porta, nece biti remake-a. Vece su shanse za Bloodborne 2. Cak ni Demon Souls remake nisu radili FROM. Ocigledno ljudi razmishljaju pravac-napred a ne da se bave rimejkovima. Plus Bloodborne veoma lako moze da se nabavi i da ga igrate i na PS4 i na PS5. Demon Souls je em bilo tesko naci jeftinu kopiju em je bio samo na PS3 pa je i imalo nekog smisla raditi remake pogotovu sto je ta igra stavila FROM na mapu.
Nek im odradi tim koji je radio Demon Souls remake, nikakav problem...
Bluepoint je hint-ovao da rade na svojoj prvoj novoj igri, u Insomniac leak-u smo videli i prvi concept art. Ali ko zna da li ce projekat preziveti, ceka se oficijelna najava.

Ako Bloodborne ikada bude dobio PC port, verovatno ce ga Nixxes odraditi.
To sam zapravo i mislio, neka uradi neko ko radi kvalitetne portove, obzirom kakva je igra u pitanju, sigurno će tako i biti.
As the interview wrapped, I had one final pair of questions to ask: What was Miyazaki's favorite FromSoftware game that he worked on, and what was his favorite from the studio as a whole across its history? In short, could he pick a favorite child?

"My child," Miyazaki said in English, to laughter. And back in translation, "First Dark Souls and Bloodborne."

"Of course, I love them all," Miyazaki said quickly, as if his lesser-loved games would hear, before he elaborated thoughtfully. "On a very personal level, I would say, first Dark Souls and Bloodborne left a very big impression on me. As a company, Elden Ring put us in a completely different league, so that was a huge milestone for the company."

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